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"Illegal Alien" Halloween costume is offensive

An offensive "illegal alien" costume is being sold at Toys R Us and as well as other stores.

According to these websites, for just $39.99, you can now dress up as an "illegal alien" for Halloween. These stores are selling the costume made up of an orange jumpsuit with the words "illegal alien" written across the chest. The costume even comes with a mask of a space invader with big eyes, and a green card.

The extra terrestrial creature perpetuates racism and discrimination in an already hostile environment and during a period of time when the debate on immigration reform is increasingly hateful and divisive.

Please send an e-mail today to Toys-R-Us and and let these corporations know that this is not funny. They used poor judgement in selling this offensive product and should pull it immediately.

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suggested letter

Dear Sirs,

The Illegal Alien Halloween Costume that your corporation is selling is offensive. To depict an immigrant as an outerspace alien wearing an orange jumper suit is dehumanizing. I believe the extra terrestrial creature perpetuates racism and discrimination in an already hostile environment and during a period of time when the debate on immigration reform is increasingly hateful and divisive.

I trust that your corporation will understand that what we need is respectful debate not offensive caricatures.

I am disappointed with the judgement that your corporation has demonstrated in selling this distasteful costume. I respectfully request that you pull this item immediately off your internet site and shelves as a symbol of respect and good will towards your large immigrant client base.

sign here