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Unraveling Obama's Record

by Connie Hair

10/09/2008 Print This

In April, Human Events covered ties between Barack Obama and the Socialist New Party, a hard-left group whose endorsement Obama received in his 1996 run for the Illinois State Senate. The American Thinker is now reporting a 1996 New Party newsletter has been found in the archives of the non-profit Internet Archive Organization naming Obama as a member of the Socialist New Party in 1996. Descriptor of the New Party from the link:

“The New Party was a radical left organization, established in 1992, to amalgamate far left groups and push the United States into socialism by forcing the Democratic Party to the left. It was an attempt to regroup the forces on the left in a new strategy to take power, burrowing from within. The party only lasted until 1998, when its strategy of ‘fusion’ failed to withstand a Supreme Court ruling.â€