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New World Order-New Fix or New Failure?
Mark Lowry

Mark, Member SU71, retired and living in hell, the worst USA Sanctuary City; Corrupt, Backwater, Lawless Lexington, Ky. “Nothing unplanned happens in government” FDR. IT AIN'T OVER,"Evil can’t win unless good people do nothing.”

Mark Lowry
December 27, 2006

New World Order-New Fix or New Failure?

Globalization and the new world order are profound failures. They are based on flawed economic logic that ignores need to have no government intervention in free markets controlled by supply and demand. Democracy can not be created by developing new economic markets based on government corruption. History indicates free states precede free markets. Politcal democracy creates economic democracy not the other way around.

Conceptually, one world government is based on the idea international banking and other corporate interests can take over world governments just as they did in America. Henry Kissinger, Council on Foreign Relations said: “Who controls the money controls the world.” Proponents favor open borders, free trade, and international control over economic issues, and elimination of the present concept of national sovereignty in favor of a more global perspective on world governance.

Most agree with NEW WORLD ORDER views of Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Jimmie Carter, George H. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and many other globalists that a few wealthy individuals can better manage world government and economic affairs than any other government model especially those that rely on people governed to make decisions. They think wealthy businesses are more intellectual and better capable of ruling in an orderly manner.

Institutional tools were developed to accomplish purposes of one world government globalists. The United Nations is the first organization that helped globalists create other world institutions under the guise of international trade treaties such as GATT, and NAFTA to promote greater world prosperity through trade. World banking consolidation was a necessity to control the world’s supply of capital so accessible money for expansion could be used as a tool to persuade other countries to join the system.

The World Trade Organization provides equal access to all markets but mostly the United States' by international corporations and countries that get preferred trade partner status. This creates opportunity to break down national sovereignty even more. International banking institutions like Citibank Group and corporations like Wal-Mart, Microsoft, and a litany of others are fighting to secure their place in the New World Order. Nations who don’t comply are deprived of the American consumer market and World Bank financing.

Once the one world government institutions were created with control over the money supply and consumer markets, they should have had an easy path to get to the final formation of the new world government. They just needed to convince individual populations of sovereign nations that it was best for them to give up national sovereignty for permanent prosperity in the New World Order.

They tend to espouse the Neville Chamberlin philosophy of appeasement in the world markets. They think if they give authoritarian governments an opportunity to realize benefits of free markets they will ultimately agree to more democratic forms of government and their will be world peace. So our leaders continue to give away the store by letting every dictator come and use our consumer markets while we give them free trade they cut us off and many small businesses in America are destroyed.

This appeasement role will not create world peace through economic expansion. It is more likely to create world war through economic failures. Democracy and at least representative democracy is a necessity before any economic structure can survive. The people governed must be participants in the economic processes. Capitalism and free and fair markets follows freedom not the other way around.

The argument used to sell the public on the agenda is: Globalization increases the size of the world economic pie and wealth is increased for all companies and workers. That argument is bogus. It is based on misconceptions that there is an inexhaustible supply of raw materials in vertical production business models that permit expansion of world wealth in the fictitious increasing economic pie and continued growth does not have added societal costs that offset the benefits. They fail to recognize the lack of logic followed by dictatorial governments that are ruled by a small group of people who don’t care if they live or die. Economic logic and free access to American markets is wasted on them.

Current world economic model was developed in the 1700's by Adam Smith on the concept that only “continued growth” would create and maintain a high quality of life for society. That belief was based on the idea; increased wealth could only be created by continued business expansion and increased demands and supplies in a free market without government intervention. Selfish profit motive would theoretically control company operations creating new products, and competition would control corporate excesses so products would always be sold at the lowest cost based on supply and demand. Similar rules of supply and demand and selfish motivation applied to labor costs which would rise and fall based on market conditions.

Two basic problems exist with that theory. One is: free open competition does not exist in world economic markets. There are always a few companies and labor groups who fight to the top and control others with political control over world governments via lobbying. Those groups in turn control government policy and create monopolistic organizations that dictate not only economic but political and social policy. They both manipulate labor supply and dictate the cost of labor once they have control of government legislative processes. Labor unions artificially restrict labor supplies just as businesses increase it by any means possible to lower wages and increase profits.

Adam Smith father of modern capitalist supply and demand theories of free markets urged “suspicious attention to any proposed new law or regulation that comes from businessmen, because they have generally an interest to deceive and even to oppress the public.” He further stated: “Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.” He knew weaknesses of the capitalist free market system he proposed and those weaknesses apply to labor as well as the corporations who hire them. The ideal is to have balance of power between corporations and labor in any effective economic model because each are subject to corrupt influences detrimental to society. No economic model can succeed with corrupt governments that ignore the will of the people.

The world has learned lessons of monopolistic control with Robber Barrons in the 1800's. There is no altruistic motivation that provides benefit for society arising from these economic models that are manipulated by government and those involved from both labor and business. European labor unions have taught the lessons of monopolistic labor unions so greedy they are willing to destroy their governments for selfish motivation. For those who forget lessons of history we are about to get another dose of education but on a much larger scale.

The second major problem with the continued growth economic model is: it was developed when world populations were small, and resources seemed inexhaustible. That is not the case now as the world has demonstrated shortages of water and basic government services and supplies because of overcrowding. Costs associated with overcrowding are well recognized but not included in the new world order economic models.

The continued growth model was developed just after the last great Bubonic Plagues that ravaged European labor supplies. Labor was in short supply in many parts of Europe because of the massive deaths from the plague. Wages had to be increased to get and keep workers. Wealthier workers increased demand for luxury goods beyond the basic staples of life. It was an instance where reduced labor supplies increased cost of labor in compliance with the unfettered economic model defined by Smith. Economic growth benefited everyone. The model seemed to work well.

That labor cost increase was a lesson big business learned well. Business needs an increasing supply of labor and if possible an over supply of labor to control labor costs and maximize profits. That is being done now with business control of the US government elected officials and insistence of open borders to permit illegal aliens to increase the supply of labor. However they are forgetting the real hidden costs of this scheme that we all pay for. Organized big business now has greater political power than big labor. Consequently they are the ones who decide what type of government we are going to have.

Overcrowded city infrastructures are being devastated as people look for survival in areas with jobs. Jails, schools, sewers and help centers are overflowing. Demands on government services at the local level are exploding. None of these social costs are recognized by governments and assessed in some form of taxation against those receiving windfall profits based on local government picking up the hidden societal costs. That cost will ultimately come back to haunt them. The sad part is we all will have to pay the price of overcrowding and over consumption of government benefits. We are all paying for this with much higher taxes that reduce our purchasing power further.

Our elected leaders must recognize economic, political and social impact of the NEW WORLD ORDER, and its defined objectives of domination of world economies and in turn world government. There must be a balance of economic, political and social power between those corporations and the people governed. Representative democracy in the United States is struggling now. It will not be able to survive in the new world order.

Globalization and the New World Order is based on false premises that could conceivably result in destruction of world wide national sovereignty and consumer markets, economic disaster and possible terrorist world wars over scarcity of supplies. It looks like we all have to keep an eye open for the prospect of drastic economic downturns as economic problems begin to geometrically progress and the American consumer market faces destruction. If there are no buyers there are no big returns for anybody.

The only things that will slow progress of the new world order representative democracy, those nations controlled by authoritarian dictatorships and widespread terrorist warfare. The last two will take whatever they can and subjugate the rest of the world under their authoritarian rule.

The new world order is a profound failure. It is based on flawed economic logic that ignores need to have no government intervention in free markets controlled by supply and demand. Democracy can not be created by developing new economic markets based on government corruption. Free economic markets arise from free states not the other way around.--

Mark Lowy, Member SU71, retired and living in hell, the worst USA Sanctuary City; Corrupt, Backwater, Lawless, Lexington, Ky. “Nothing unplanned happens in government” FDR. "Evil can’t win unless good people do nothing”... IT AIN'T OVER!