Watch: Rand Paul Says Benghazi Means Hillary Should NEVER Be President (VIDEO)

The Obama Administration has desperately tried to sweep the Benghazi scandal under the rug, but that has not stopped Rand Paul from being one of the most vocal critics of Hillary Clinton’s actions – or lack thereof – surrounding the terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Libya last year.
The media has already deemed Hillary the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president in 2016, but her blatant leadership failure and illegal lying regarding this issue should automatically disqualify her from ever holding office as a local dog catcher – much less the office of president – and Rand Paul is not letting anyone forget it.

In a recent speech at The Citadel Military Academy in South Carolina, an early primary state, Rand did not mince words regarding Hillary’s role in the tragic incident.

Here is an excerpt from his speech, and you can watch the full video below:
“…We have a tragedy in Libya where our ambassador and other diplomats were murdered in the streets of Benghazi. … When Hillary Clinton was asked for more security, she turned the ambassador down. Under cross examination, I asked her, ‘Did you read the cables?’ She said she never read any of the cables. That’s her excuse. She said, ‘Don’t blame me. Somebody beneath me should have been reading those cables.’ I find it a dereliction of duty – a clear dereliction of duty… She wants to blame it on somebody else? It’s absolutely her responsibility.”
Hillary has been caught in so many lies about Benghazi that I would actually be surprised to learn there is anything she hasn’t lied about. Moreover, she insists on playing “the blame game” every time she is caught in a new lie. If she was unable to honorably perform the role of Secretary of State, what makes anyone think a Hillary Administration would be anything short of catastrophic? She doesn’t deserve to represent the American people.
Rand continued: “Her failure to provide our ambassador and his mission with adequate security should preclude Hillary Clinton from ever holding high office again.”

Attendees to The Citadel Military Academy, where Paul spoke, seemed to agree; his roasting of Hillary was met with a thunderous applause. See for yourself:

Published on Nov 18, 2013
November 12th, 2013 • Charleston, SC • Senator Rand Paul's complete remarks to the Citadel cadets including the follow-up question and answer period.

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