Our Declaration of Independence and freedom!

Are we still free on this 4th of July?

By Dr. Laurie Roth
Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 4th, 1776, we made it official and signed our Declaration of Independence from the British. The founding fathers signed it that day with other signatures to follow. It was a miracle.

Americans wanted freedom from control and tyranny so badly they risked everything, lives, wealth and safety to have it. So, after a sea of blood and sacrifice our Declaration of Independence was born and a country that would change history in the world, a nation committed to every kind of freedom under God.

As we approach the 4th again and celebrate with friends, let us pause and remember that the firecrackers we may see blowing up around us aren’t just exploding toys but reflective of the real bombs that burst in air to pave the bloody way for a free country to appear and thrive.

Freedom cost more then we can imagine and more than some of us will ever understand.

Do we still have our cherished freedoms?

Yes we do BUT our freedom was not launched into a vacuum and world with no evil. Our miraculous and God given freedom has pierced through the literal darkness of tyranny’s and dictatorships that believe that Government is ONLY controlled by a force and power. Socialism and communism must happen. Capitalism and freedom is in the way.

Even with our own brief history over the last several hundred years we have seen evil forces like communism challenge our laws, congress, schools and very way of life. How could we forget the McCarthy era. The response and feelings against potential communist takeovers in the US weren’t just paranoia and hallucinations back in the 50s. Certainly we saw over reaction but this was born out of real fear and danger.

We saw concern over the risk of communist takeovers clear back to the Truman Doctrine of 1947 and the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). These groups were charged with identifying “pro-communistâ€