Are We Un-American?

By Steven A. Castleton
August 12, 2009

Recently when Her Royal Highness Nancy Pelosi called us un-American and compared us to Nazis we decided get together to draft a document detailing our disdain with her comments and those false promises of the King.

During what he felt was his coronation on January 20, 2009, the King said: "On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics. We remain a young nation, but in the words of Scripture, the time has come to set aside childish things"

I wonder if the childish things he was talking about also included the $220,000,000.00 in NEW Airplanes that Congress wants but the Department of Defense says they do not need? I do not know about you, but if the Department of Defense DOES NOT WANT to spend $220,000,000.00 for new airplanes, do we have to force them to buy the planes for Queen Nancy?

We wish to also make the King and Queen aware of the fact that we do not feel it is right and just for there to be taxation without fair representation. The King and Queen quickly pointed out that since they were fairly "crowned" they can do what they wish.

We were told to trade in our American made horse drawn carriage (which my friend Paul Revere made himself) for a carriage made in Asia. They did not need it, but The Emperor of Japan said thanks for all the money we sent his way. Since we were not allowed to throw any tea in the harbor we all decided to get together for a pint of Sam Adams Lager and draw up this document we are calling The Constitution of the United States.

While drinking his lager, General Washington got a splinter from one of his teeth. We all laughed when he said that it is a good thing that in these United States he can choose which ever carpenter he wants to make him a new set of teeth. As he pointed out, only in a Kingdom or Socialist State would the government ever force anyone where to get a new set of teeth or which doctor to check on his gout.

General Washington also asked us to include in this "Constitution" a passage guaranteeing that all of his soldiers and future soldiers would always get the best medical care available. Medical care equal to that of all of us legislators. We told him that if the government ever did not give our veterans the best care available, and for free, then that would be really "Un-American". He then said the funniest thing. He said he was afraid of our government giving free health care to all future foreigners and having us pay for it. Guess he needs to stop smoking that pipe with the Indians.

The problem we are having with the final draft of The Constitution of the United States is our fear that once "crowned"; the Kings and Queens will not abide by its contents and force us to follow their whims. We are struggling on how to put into place various "checks and balances".

We are also planning a day of celebration on July 4th. However, Mr. Thomas Jefferson quickly pointed out that in the United States of America its citizens would never be called un-American for having a rally to protest the government forcing them to only go to the doctors approved by the King and Queen. Mr. Jefferson went on to say that there was as much a chance of that happening as there is of the government owning the banks and the horse and carriage builders.

If all of you could do us a favor and send a copy of the Constitution of the United States to The King and Queen in Washington, DC it will be greatly appreciated. However, the U.S. Mail Service that our friend Ben created is losing money every day so let's hope it gets delivered before they get a bailout.

Signed: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Josiah Bartlett and friends.


Steven A. Castleton is a frequent contributor to GOPUSA. He can be reached at: ... 8121.shtml