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  1. #1
    Senior Member AirborneSapper7's Avatar
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    Wheels coming off Obama Express

    Wheels coming off Obama Express

    Posted: August 17, 2009
    1:00 am Eastern
    © 2009

    Last week was the week that the Obama honeymoon was really over.

    The irrelevant Republicans in the House were over Obama when they all voted "no" on the stimulus bill back in February.

    But for independents and even some Democrats last week, the growing sentiment was "slow down – Obama does not have all the answers." Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., and Rep John Murtha, D-Pa., are only the latest Democrats to scuttle crab-like away from the president on the health care bill. Four Democrat senators last week said cap and trade was dead in the Senate.

    The wheels are coming off the Obama Express. The campaign promises of hope and change reminded me of the euphoria generated for candidate Jimmy Carter in 1976 when Americans searched desperately for a fresh face after the painful disappointments of the self-inflicted defeat in Vietnam and Richard Nixon. Carter squandered his victory, using his office to lecture Americans on "limits." The economy tanked, and so did hapless Jimmy.

    Now, Obama's approval ratings are trending down with the current sinking economy. The stimulus bill, with all its pork, corruption and "stimulus" of free-spending Democrat-controlled states and cities did not, and will not, produce a new American prosperity. Obama's public sector debt driven "bubble" will collapse – and soon.

    Americans are hurting, and the hurting is getting worse, not better. Consumer confidence is down – to record lows. Manufacturing is down – to record lows. Jobs evaporate, wages stagnate, more homes than ever before face foreclosure.

    Buyers in Cash for Clunkers looked like they were from a scene in "Night of the Living Dead" barging into dealerships to trade-in American cars for foreign cars with the "cash" provided by foreign creditors.

    Zombie banks report "profits" by ignoring trillions of dollars of non-performing loans. Stocks in some companies rise on news that they have not lost as much this week (month) as last week (month).

    The deficit has reached unimaginable (and the CBO says unsustainable) numbers, and the president still tells us with a straight face that making all health care like financially doomed Medicare will save money.

    In fact, the Potemkin village "town halls" produced by the president's permanent campaign apparatus have sharpened Americans' perception of the president as a liar.

    H.R. 3200 (the House version of the president's health plan) sets up end-of-life consultations leading to "orders" limiting care for the elderly – and directly contradicting the president's repeated assertions that his plan will "not pull the plug on Granny."

    As the president knows, the stimulus bill already provides for a "death panel" called the "Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research." This "council" is Obama's vehicle to produce the "savings" he's talking about by rationing care for the elderly while H.R. 3200 puts a new tax on young Americans in the form of mandated health insurance. Both young and old get the shaft (there I go with the 70s again), and the government gets the power over your health care choices.

    Section 1233 of H.R. 3200 applies the "council's" mandates to end-of-life counseling. Section 1233 was written, according to Freedom of Information Act disclosures, by the Hemlock Society (now called "Compassion and Choices") and the author of Oregon's assisted suicide law, now-Rep. Earl Blumenauer. What do you think their intentions are? Pull the plug on Granny, perhaps?

    H.R. 3200 limits its provisions to lawful residents of the U.S. – but then forbids health care "practitioners" to check whether someone is lawfully in the U.S.! Despite assurances to the contrary, illegals will get health insurance paid for by you.

    H.R. 3200 grants the health choices commissioner (a presidential appointee not subject to Senate approval) the right to determine what procedures, treatments and drugs will constitute "health care" in insurance policies, public or private. Politically driven definitions of "health care" will inevitably include (as Democratic House members readily admit) taxpayer-subsidized abortion.

    The biggest presidential whopper of all is that his "reform" will give you what Congress has. As the Los Angeles Times pointed out, lawmakers pick from a banquet of 283 private insurance plans from 10 companies to tailor their health insurance needs. And you pick up the tab. H.R. 3200 allows you to stay with the employer plan you have now, but if you change (or lose) your job, you must enroll in the government insurance plan with coverage defined by the "council" (see above).

    In the coming weeks, American TV will be inundated with ads promoting Obama's "reform." They will be paid for by an alliance that includes Big Pharma and Big Health Insurance.

    According to an internal White House memo released by the Huffington Post, Obama promised "the Bigs" in return that price controls on prescription drugs and insurance premiums would not be a part of his "reform." In other words, Obama promised big corporate America even bigger profits if it would support him.

    To their credit, leftist blogs have exploded with near the ferocity they did when Halliburton got no bid contracts in Iraq. The lapdog media has yet to apply the Bush-era standard of outrage at political/corporate ties to this Obama corruption.

    "Hope" and "change" campaigning and chants of "Yes we can!" from the Obamabots is turning out to look like more of the same for an increasing number of Americans – and more of the same is not working.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Reciprocity's Avatar
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    New York, The Evil Empire State
    I said last year that by october 09 people will wish the hell they never heard of obama, well guess
    “In questions of power…let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” –Thomas Jefferson

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