When Clinton was attacked on Fox News by Wallace, his response in anger was a normal human reaction. It’s O.K. for Bush, Chancy and Rumsfeld to react in anger and with foul language. That is their tactics, blame and attack others and keep us in fear of terrorism in hope that it will take our minds off the real issues of the mess made in the Middle East and illegal immigration.

Evidence showed that he did try to get OBL and he failed. He stated that himself. Bush was warned and did nothing and now say OBL is not important but at the same time he is doing all he can to create more terrorist and all he is doing about that is "staying the same old in-effective course.

Prior to 9/11, OBL was not seen at the level of threat he is seen now. They attack Clinton to take the public’s mind off of the mess he has made all over the middle east and his failure to get OBL.

Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are a bunch of thugs, incompetent, corrupt and incapable in every asapect and Rice is just a sounding board of the three. She, unlike Powell, will end up being the fall guy. And they are many of these in the administration.

I believe if terrorism was a real threat we would have been serious about securing our ports, air space and borders. 5 years later they are not secure.

Clinton was not distracted by Monica, because she said he was often on the phone doing his presidential business at the same time she was servicing him.

Bush cannot think and speak at the same time. There are so many lies, you don’t know what the believe.

(For the above statement, I will probable be banned from the site)