Excursion to India

White House Lying Again? Where There’s Smoke

By Jerry McConnell
Friday, November 5, 2010

Liar, liar pants on fire, should be the mantra of the White House news staff and Robert Gibbs in particular.

I know it must be tough to stand there day after day after day trying to smile and joke when the man you’re trying to protect is one of the most accomplished liars since, well, since Bubba Clinton, but the very UN-smooth Gibbs, nicknamed `Fibbs’, makes it look, and sound, tougher.

People can see through his tissue paper thin veneer and nervous little titter while trying to un-squirm his portly body from a tangled web of deceit that he has woven for himself and his boss.

After the disastrous and joltingly injurious to planned excursions into other fantasia for the next two years election, the Big “Oâ€