White House: Obama Will Act ‘Administratively’ and ‘Unilaterally’ On Guns



20 hours ago

The new White House spokesman, er paid liar Josh Earnest, said that the President is “always” looking for different ways to act “unilaterally” on guns, but also said that he would prefer to work with Congress.
In response to a question presented to him about the shooter that opened fire at a school in Oregon on Tuesday, Earnest said “The president’s goal is to look for opportunities to act administratively, unilaterally using his executive authority to try to make our communities safer.”
“We’re always looking for those opportunities. But none of those opportunities when they present themselves is going to be an acceptable substitute for robust legislative action.”

[Josh Earnest]
The shooter in Oregon killed one student and injured a teacher prior to turning his weapon on himself at Reynolds High School. Police found the shooter, who hasn’t been identified, dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Obama has been on a full-court press for stricter gun control ever since the Newtown, Conn. Shootings in December of 2012. Since then he has signed 23 executive orders that directly relate to gun control but there hasn’t been any congressional legislation passed to date, which is something that bothers Obama.
“There’s no doubt there has been an alarming frequency of tragic incidents of gun violence that are concerning to Democrats and Republicans in Washington but more importantly to people all across the country,” Earnest said.
Following in Carney’s footsteps, Earnest then used the left’s favorite buzzword and asked what “common sense” measure can be taken to further restrict the Second Amendment rights of Americans.
“The question is what can we do to make certain something like this never ever happens again? There are going to be other tragedies. The question I think really facing lawmakers right now is what common sense steps can Democrats and Republicans take to reduce the likelihood of gun violence.”
He then reiterated that Obama would do whatever he thought he could through executive fiat in order to infringe on our rights.
“And there are some, and they have unfortunately been bottled up in Congress and that is a disappointment to the president,” Earnest continued. “But that’s not going to stop the president from continuing to push for administrative steps that we can take to help reduce gun violence.”
Keep in mind that the violent crime rate in America has been on a decline while gun ownership is on the rise. Many thought the expiration of the 1994 Brady ban would cause violent crimes to go through the roof, but just the opposite has happened which pretty much destroys the argument that more guns = more crime.
H/T: Mr. Conservative


Hey Obummer I will cling to my constitution, guns and religion you can cling to your bull-crap, lies, and impeachable offenses!!!