Conservative Daily

This isn't coming from some right-leaning poll, either...

White House Running Out of Excuses for Incompetence: Obama's Disapproval Nears 6 in 10 Likely Voters

Maybe that's why he's jetsetting around the US, raising money for the Democrats...

17,037 Shares By Caroline Schaeffer 23 hours ago

Politico paired with SocialSphere to conduct a poll in states that will see competitive Senate and House races this November. The survey, tracking likely voters over a 6-month period, spells increasingly more trouble for the President and his party.
Though more Democrats were participating in the poll than Republicans (36%-34%), the President’s job approval rating sank to 43%, earning him a 57% disapproval rating.
Even though congressional approval for both parties remains low (36% for the DEMs, 26% for the GOP), Republican candidates edged out Democrats when respondents were asked which party they would vote for if the elections were held today, 39%-37%.

No surprise, considering that more respondents considered the GOP better able to handle foreign policy (39%) than the Democrats (32%). And the number one issue? 45% said it was the economy.
Maybe this is the reason that Obama has been jetsetting around the country, attending fundraisers – Democrats are beginning to see the writing on the wall. If this keeps up, Obama is not going to be enthusiastic about working with Congress for his last two years in office.