Why is a Convicted Felon Visiting the POTUS on Multiple Occasions?

By Kay Daly November 29, 2011 9:18 pm

On Black Friday, the White House did a full scale document dump, and according to Michelle Malkin, http://michellemalkin.com/2011/11/28/di ... ment-dump/ one of the most interesting documents dumped was the official log book of visitors to the White House. Given what a cursory review reveals, no wonder they haven't wanted that bit of information to be released when anyone is paying attention.

Robert Creamer, the "Patron Saint of the Progressive Causes", http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,579973,00.html convicted of multiple counts of fraud, husband of Representative Jan Shakowsky (D-IL), known for his ruthless activism on the health care bill, against Social Security privatization, expertise in all things propaganda and promoter of all things "Occupy Wall Street" http://biggovernment.com/jpollak/2011/1 ... to-occupy/ had visited the White House no fewer than 60 times since Obama took office, five times in August, 2011 alone.

Speculation is that he is the architect of the 99% message for OWS and some kind of a liaison between the progressive activist base and the White House going into the campaign season. Yet another Alinsky disciple from Chicago with a criminal record bent on winning the election for Obama at all costs in 2012.

It's the Chicago way.

http://www.gopusa.com/freshink/2011/11/ ... bscriber=1