QUESTION: Why hasn’t combating Voter Fraud ever been a priority for Republicans?

I want you to join us in a promise: we will force the Republican Party to make combating voter fraud one of their number one priorities.

This is something the Tea Party, Momma Grizzlies, and Palin supporters all need to join forces and get behind — and it’s just the sort of thing Governor Palin herself could embrace and be more effective than anyone in history at addressing.

Voter Fraud is rampant in this country. Currently, Drudge is running stories about Democrats rigging machines to default vote Democrat in Nevada and North Carolina. Yesterday, we heard about Democrats going to nursing homes in Connecticut and illegally voting for dementia-addled elderly people who don’t know their own names anymore, let alone whom they want to vote for.

Here in Boystown, walking down a six block stretch of Halsted we pass no less than 10 ATMS, exposed to the elements, some covered in grafitti and leaves — all of which are capable of securely and accurately completing thousands of transactions a day without error.

Why, then, is our voting system in this nation worse than what we imagine goes on in banana republics in the third world?

It’s unacceptable…and it’s only this way because the Cocktail Party GOP establishment let it get that way.

Democrats cheat.

It’s what they do.

It’s written into the DNC charter to cheat. Fraud is just another GOTV sanctioned effort.

But, the Cocktail Party GOP establishment has been advised by consulting firms and Karl Rove to “not make wavesâ€