The stimulus bill is the problem, not the solution!


The standard rate of corporation tax in Ireland has been reduced from 50% to its current rate of 12.5%.

Also see:

High Corporate Tax Rates Making United States Uncompetitive

With an average combined federal and state corporate tax rate of 39.3%, the United States has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world, next only to Japan.
Does this explain one of the reasons why manufacturing has fled America and why our economy is in a tail spin and factory workers are now unemployed? And, this does not even take into account our federal government’s stupid regulations upon business and industries, which have also helped to chase America‘s industrial base to foreign nations which respect the economic prosperity they bring.

You three are aiding in the destruction of America and doing nothing to help encourage America’s industrial base to return to America. Why?

And as for the poor working people you claim you care for, tell us, Why have you not given your support to The WAGE TAX HOLIDAY which has 55 co-sponsors?

Why do you three hate hard working wage earners living in Harlem, South Philly, Newark, N.J., and other inner cities who can barely meet their necessities of life because of oppressive federal taxation? How about you telling your constituents why you are not working to free hard working people from a tax upon their earned wages which in fact amounts to stealing the property they have in their labor? Why do you three support government force being used to steal the property these people have in their labor, just like white slave owners once stole the property slaves had in their labor when slavery was practiced in the country?

What’s wrong with replacing the wage tax upon people earning less than $67,000 a year with a federal luxury tax on specifically selected articles of consumption, such as a luxury tax upon those high end SUVs , like the Lexus, which seems to be very popular among Obama’s political plum job holders?

Why don’t you three grow a spine and tell Obama and his Marxist pals to take a hike with their slavish stimulus plan?


If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon a federal government check, we can then bribe them for their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s working population [Joe the American plumber] enslaved to pay the bills ____ Our Washington Establishment’s Marxist game plan, a plan to establish a federal plantation and redistribute the wages earned by labor.