ALIPAC Activists Helped Defeat the Dream Act Amnesty!

September 27, 2007

CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) (866) 329-3999

When Senator Dick Durbin announced his plan to place the 'Bad' Dream Act Amnesty into the defense spending bill via amendment, ALIPAC sprang into action to mobilize activists, media, and organizations across America to defeat the measure which would encourage illegal immigration.

The ALIPAC website receives over 3 million hits per month and the ALIPAC e-mail network now exceeds 25,000. More importantly, ALIPAC has established a national media profile with hundreds of talk radio stations and allied organizations to which the group helps provide strategies and talking points.

"This Dream Act Amnesty was a Nightmare Act or 'Bad' Dream Act" says William Gheen of ALIPAC. "We used those terms from the start to convey the massive public opposition to this new attempt at Amnesty. When are these Senators going to start listening to the majority of Americans, instead of illegal aliens who are not supposed to be in America at all?"

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has experienced defeating in-state tuition for illegal alien legislation in several states and played a strong role in helping defeat the 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform' Amnesty in the Senate a few months ago.

Using advanced strategies with new lobbying and grass roots techniques, ALIPAC methods are proving successful.

Thousands of calls, e-mails, and faxes were facilitated by ALIPAC including utilization of talk radio and the Internet to warn Americans and mobilize them against the Dream Act.

"As a 527 PAC, we have the ability to say and do things that other organizations cannot. We have the ability to endorse candidates and advertise votes and issues in relation to the campaigns," says Gheen. "That ability is proving more important as we get closer to election season. Some of these Amnesty supporting politicians have ticked off over 80% of their likely voters. We plan to bring many of them home in 2008!"

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC wants enforcement of our existing immigration laws that have been suspended by corporate influences in the Bush administration.


Paid for by Americans for Legal Immigration
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 329-3999
FEC ID: C00405878