Fox and CNN:

I would like to thank both of your networks for the presence and freedom allowed to Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, and Bill O’Reilly to address the negative aspects of illegal immigration.

All of these gentlemen are responding to the massive public outcry against illegal immigration. They should be applauded for their willingness to address public concerns about crimes committed by illegal aliens in America as well as the impact of illegal immigration on taxpayer resources.

Furthermore, the anti-American sentiments and the separatist sentiments that are well documented both in Mexico and the ranks of illegal aliens in our nation is a matter of great public concern.

I hope you will encourage each of these shows to increase their coverage of the negative impacts of illegal immigration.

I find it patently offensive that radical leftist groups like La Raza (The Race) and Media Matters are trying to pressure you to censor or tamper with the content of these shows. Their actions are very un-American and a threat to freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

I'd like to take specific issue with Mr. Paul Waldmen's attempt to conceal the high crime levels among illegal aliens by citing bogus "studies" that blend legal immigrants into their statistical samples.

Legal immigrants have shown us a pattern of respectful and law abiding behavior as they enter America. They are screened for diseases and criminal backgrounds. Therefore, they have much lower tendencies to commit crimes once in the US.

Illegal aliens have shown us a pattern of disrespect and disregard for American laws. They have intentionally bypassed our medical and criminal screenings, and most border crossers have cut multi thousand dollar business deals with cartel gangs that import humans and drugs!

American citizens are losing life, limb, and property to illegal aliens who would not be here if our government secured our borders and enforced our existing immigration laws as most Americans demand.

I hope your network will publicly rebuke those that are attempting to influence and control the content of the Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly, and Glenn Beck shows. They should be publicly embarrassed for the lies they are telling. They should be ashamed of themselves for this attempt to stifle debate and free speech!

On behalf of the over 25,000 concerned and patriotic Americans of every race our organization, ALIPAC, represents. Please protect and encourage these three to keep up the great work as honorable newsmen.


William Gheen