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Thread: ALIPAC Supporters React To Trump Tweet About Immigration Reform Amnesty

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    ALIPAC Supporters React To Trump Tweet About Immigration Reform Amnesty

    24 Hours Ago, we sent President Trump's latest tweet about immigration reform to ALIPAC's e-mail alert subscribers. Here are their reactions to the Tweet with any identifying information removed to protect their privacy. ALIPAC has shocking news to release tomorrow. In preparation we hope all of our supporters will read every comment below to understand what people believe is happening with President Trump & Amnesty for illegal aliens.

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
    I look forward to working w/ D's + R's in Congress to address immigration reform in a way that puts hardworking citizens of our country 1st.
    Here are the voices of ALIPAC. We would like to thank each of you that took the time to write and we hope that all of our supporters will read your concerns as we prepare for the difficult road ahead.


    -- When I hear "reform," my first thought is, "just a euphemism for 'amnesty'." IMO, we don't need "reform"; we need ENFORCEMENT of current immigration laws. So when POTUS uses this word, my hopes fall.

    -- I agree with our president.

    -- D + R in Congress +immigration reform = Amnesty for illegal aliens & hard working citizens are put last!!

    -- Democrats and Republicans have no intention of putting Americans first. Trump is on his own, although I suspect he'll pull a rabbit out of his hat.

    -- Amnesty with both parties together

    -- It seems like Trump wants to give Amnesty to the illegal aliens. He
    could of ended the DACA today! Trump seems to be playing both side.

    -- Wish it would be made clear to the public that it is overturning Obama's unconstitutional order but it does not mean that the dreamers will all be deported. I am sure there will be a vetting process first. Good ones get to stay.

    -- People are confused and do not see the whole picture.

    -- I think he wants to see something come out of the Congress. And I agree with that. Interesting that he should list the rats before the rhinos.

    -- His actions do not match his words. He is not fulfilling his campaign promises.

    -- It seems like Trump wants to give Amnesty to the illegal aliens. He could of ended the DACA today! Trump seems to be playing both sides.

    -- Trump is right, but he should not wait to rescind BHO’s unconstituional DACA order. He should go on the bully pulpit, and explain just how the “dreamers” are getting “rights” that are being taken away from Americans. He should also list the total number of robberies, rapes and murders committed by illegals. We don’t need more immigration. We need to get rid of the illegals. We need to stop anchor babies and chain migration. DACA is a giant illegal alien support system that will ultimately grant amnesty to not only the “dreamers” but also to their families — and probably, to their extended familes. To respond to those who are worried about our “American values”, we should point out that “Stupidity and cultural suicide are not American values”.

    -- I wish President Trump could work with Ds and Rs but both will try to push amnesty thru. D's wants the votes and Rs don't have the backbone to enforce our laws. Ryan and McConnell are snakes and will do everything to stop my Presidents agenda to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. We gave the Rd the House, Senate and Oval Office. They haven't done a damn thing but obstruct.

    -- Trump is not following through on his promises regarding illegal immigration, I am beginning to think he is a traitor to his supporters.

    -- We don't need or want immigration reform...we just want enforcement! And an end to Birthright Citizenship!

    -- I believe President Trump is addressing a very important issue to those of us who voted for him and trying to encourge cooperation with Republicans and Democrats, which we've seen very little of.

    -- Democrats primary agenda is multiculturalism and diversity, not american workers. The reason Trump won is because the voters recognized that. Doing what the tweet describes will not put our hardworking citizens first! Instead it will set precedence for allowing low wage workers to take american jobs.

    -- 1 Dems & certain republicrats will do their best NOT to follow the law but foul this up worse than it already is
    2 you can't work with your enemy
    3 they (and the refugees) have already had enough of a free ride--they nearly bankrupted the Hand center in Louisville years ago
    4 more immediate solution, pull federal funds from sanctuary cities

    -- E-verify must be a part of any deal. If DACA recipients are allowed to stay, no citizenship should be offered.

    -- I think this means allow illegals to stay with considerations for citizens first. What will happen is illegals will continue to get what they are getting now and more. Citizens will be treated second and will pay the cost.

    -- That Immigration reform part makes me wonder?

    -- Trump is throwing this hot potato into the laps of the cowardly Congress that has been fighting him all the way on his MAGA agenda. Each member must answer to his/her LEGAL, AMCIT constituents, not to the "dreamers" or others like them, now and in the future. I have every hope that this will settle out in favor of the American people. If the "dreamers" attempt any further protests they will simply be making themselves look less admirable to mainstream Americans. We have had far too much street theater & violence against a man who wants to repair the damage done by cowardly Republican & Democrat presidents, & the horrendous, treasonous damage done by the tyrranical 8 years of Obama.

    -- No compromise ! No amnesty, not now or ever. I will be extremely disappointed if Trump caves.

    -- Hopefully he's trying to be diplomatic. The democrats want all or nothing. And if Trump's name is on it, they will not cooperate. I suspect the RINOS and the dems will figure out something to get them amnesty! I've emailed and called everyone I can to tell them to grow some balls and kick them out!

    -- Both dems and repubs are responsible for the insane and irresponsible legal immigration and illegal invasion that we see in America today. There is no working with congress , no working with the senate, they are not interested in putting Americans first and if potus plans on working with them , nothing will change. While there is only so much potus can do on his own he has not exhausted every constitutional power available to him which should have been his first ave of action.

    -- I agree with what he says but will D work with R?

    -- This is an oxymoronic statement. The D’s and R’s in Congress never have put the hardworking citizens of our country first. Dems are looking for votes and Republicans keep thinking Hispanics will vote for them. Republicans need to accept that they will never get the Hispanic vote. We in Middle America voted OUR self interest this time. WE are the hardworking citizens and we have spoken. Is anyone listening?

    -- I am Thankful for President Trump‼️ I love America and we want congress to put the country first. It's about priorities and President Trump understands it's not that we don't like other countrymen. We just need to make a priority of America First. ������������

    -- Not sure what to make of it all. It's like he swings back and forth. This is an extremely volatile issue since Obama imported his massive army of thugs. It is a powder keg and I think Trump and Co. know it. Sometimes I think he is truly worried that there will be mass riots of which this country has never seen before if he completely ends DACA. Other times I think this was all in the works behind the scenes and there will be (surprise!) an amnesty bill "for the children". However, I have been all over the boards - liberal and conservative - and the vast majority want them OUT - No Amnesty. I surveyed the boards before the election and that's how I knew Trump had a good chance of winning since traditionally liberal online news outfits had Trump supporters. Thanks for continuing the fight!

    -- I believe that Donald Trump should have ended DACA today. There is simply no reason for him to have delayed it other than being given bad advice by General Kelly and maybe Tillerson as well. It's unfortunate.

    -- I don’t trust any politician in Washington, including the President (even though I voted for him).
    If President Trump is making deals with the Swamp, then the hardworking American citizens are getting screwed.
    McConnell and Ryan are not respectful of, nor friendly to, any anti-immigration efforts.
    We don’t need any more amnesty, whether it is from the President or from the Congress.
    We need the RAISE Act.
    We need a moratorium on illegal immigration.
    We need a serious reduction in so-called legal immigration.
    We need action from the President that supports what he promised us on the campaign trail.
    The only person I trust is Atty Gen Sessions. He wrote the President’s original campaign policy on immigration.
    “Immigration Reform” is nothing more than a buzzword for amnesty; NO THANK YOU...

    -- I absolutely agree.
    American citizenship should be the most valuable thing on planet Earth.
    It should not be given away to anyone and must be earned.
    No more birthright citizenship.
    No more chain migration.
    No more lotteries.
    No more amnesty.

    -- I think Trump flipped on us. First, he extends DACA by 60 days so 1. current DACA can renew for next 30 days & be protected for 2 more years 2. Gang of 8 can dust off and ram their full amnesty down our throats. We know Congress will continue to slow walk Obamacare repeal and tax reform while putting amnesty front and center. Dems & RINOs will not pass this gift up. So...we'll be stuck with Obamacare, high taxes AND amnesty. My hopes were pinned on conservatives outrage to prevent them putting amnesty first so it would just expire in 6 months. That was bad enough but......later Trump said that if Congress did NOT pass any legislation to deal with DACA, he would "revisit" the DACA issue. I take that as he is considering codifying it himself or extending it longer and letting it continue. I'm trying to disect it. I will forward DHS Memo on it,

    -- Keep the pressure on we have to be on it since Sessions is not in the Congress

    -- just because people have been able to hide for years, is not a reason to let them stay. Illegal is Illegal & we have people that went the right way & are still waiting to come to our Country. Do not allow line jumpers

    -- No way he can work with democrats. He must stand firm and rescind the DACA program with no options of renewal.
    The laws of the land have to be obeyed. Congress should take it from there and abolish DACA for good. They should all
    go back to there original country and apply legally to enter the US.
    I am a Legal immigrant and proud US Citizen ( have been for 32 years) when I became a Citizen in New York State I was asked
    to read and comprehend English I was asked about the History of the United States , the 13 colonies civil war etc.....
    I had no special treatment no DACA no DAPA no CACA. I was told not to mess with the government and be a good citizen. I have
    for the last 32 years, I pay my taxes worked hard pay all my bills and all my medical bills.
    I know people that have waited for 10 years before the received a Visa to come here. Illegal and DACA is a joke and a cover
    up from congress to get votes and cheap labor. Illegal Immigration should stop now once and for all in order for the US to avoid
    becoming a 3rd world country and an Islamic country.
    I hope this will help. God Bless the USA

    -- It seems like his negotiating style. Put out a statement with a hard line and then negotiate towards the middle. I've been pleasantly surprised with him so far, so hopefully he won't give too much. I think the wild card will be hurricane relief and tax cuts. He may be more willing to go along with a softer stance on immigration in exchange for a deal on those issues.

    -- It makes sense to have bipartisanship, as long as the will of the American people gets done.

    -- Immigration reform must include legal immigration as well as illegal immigration. In the early years and decades of our country, we necessarily needed and welcomed people from other countries. However, now with so many fellow Americans out of a job, or a good paying job,or working two or three jobs to make ends meet--our country does not need a large number of legal immigrants. This fact should verify the necessary concern about the large number of illegals in our country! And to make things even worse, we have absolutely no idea how many there are in our country,or where they actually live. And, add to that the totally ridiculous program, dictated by the UN, of taxpayers paying $2000.00 per "refugee" to have them placed throughout our country without any input from the town where they are placed!! The receiving town then gets to foot all the various expenses!!

    -- It appears that trump is a liar �� and a traitor as he has been promoting CIR. �� sadly trump is selling out America like all the other politicians but not just as bad. Trump will take us over the cliff at 55 instead of 100 mph like the dims �� and rinos ��. He has surrounded himself with dims�� And rinos ��. Perhaps he and/or his family have been threatened. I don't know but trump is not doing what he said he would do if elected and it's difficult to do so since he is trying to compromise and cooperate with the enemy. Instead of supporting the Constitution and the people who elected him, he panders and tries to pacify anti-Americans. He has the support of most Americans to MAGA and protect our country but refuses to do it and instead panders to the left. I do enjoy �� watching the dims and illegal dreamers go bananas. Their third world �� tactics may expose them and help us defeat the globalist/commies.

    -- I am in total agreement with my President Donald J. Trump. I pray for some yielding of political jargon and some common sense, wisdom and putting US Citizens 1st and miraculous unity begin to get this immigration bill written and passed for the good of all, Let's begin to put our Nation's reputation of welcoming all to this Nation who come through proper legal procedure back into operation and stop and regulate those who are here illegally,( and still stealing across the boarder), according to the laws of our land. May God help President Trump and our Congress to make a right and unified decision on the matter of immigration.

    -- Finally we have A president for the American people!
    Those illegals-dreamers ( not all of them)
    They do not assimilate American way thinking. As if us they defiant and naturally stupid.
    I live in L.A. since the '70 and I have seeing my beautiful California as a third world!!
    I'm trump solid!
    Thank you God!

    -- Good luck on the part of President Trump. That den of vipers in Congress will do what they always do and negotiate on behalf of Mexican illegal aliens at the expense of everyone else. There is no negotiating with treasonous scum.

    -- It sounds like Trump is planning to sell us out with "immigration reform," i.e. amnesty.

    -- We cannot invite the whole world here. We cannot survive this onslaught of immigrants. We should build a wall and stop immigration until we can get control over who comes into our country. We should not give citizenship to anyone who came here illegally but only to those who legally sought citizenship. The others should be sent back to get in the back of the line. How do we expect immigrants to come here and keep the law when we ourselves let the illegal immigrants brake immigration laws.

    -- Whatever he meant, this needs to be the clear message from many, many Americans to Congress and the White House:
    1) The way to begin healing America is to remove the incentive for parents to circumvent immigration law.
    2) If we pass ANY sort of amnesty for children of illegal immigrants, the message will be: In the USA, crime pays and if you follow the law you are a chump.
    3) If we pass ANY sort of amnesty for children of illegal immigrants, the importation of lawless people will continue and accelerate.
    4) The accelerated importation of millions upon millions of lawless people, generation after generation, will destroy the USA as a rule-of-law society. We are already tottering on the brink of lawlessness - the structural integrity cannot handle any more of this; it is code red at this very moment.
    5) If the President wants to be truly compassionate he needs to tell “Dreamers” the following: We are sorry your parents put you in this situation, but America is nothing if we do not affirm equality of everyone before the law. You need to return to the nation of your citizenship if you are not legally present in the United States. This does not mean we don’t like you, it means that we expect you like anyone else to come in through the front door if you want to live in the United States of America and perhaps one day become an American citizen. We know that in many cases this will be hard, but in life it is not always easy to do the right thing. For the sake of current and future generations, though, it is essential that we renew not merely in words but in action our belief that everyone must follow the same laws.

    -- I see little chance of the dreamers or any illegal going home, outside of committing a felony. I believe Trump is trying to do right by the American people. He's getting too much pushback. Many of the people who came here illegally are defiant about assimilating and have a predatory nature in my opinion. I'm in CA and have had about enough. I believe Americans are being setup for a civil war.

    -- Mr President, yes, put USA Citizens first; enforce USA Immigration laws and expel ALL the criminal Illegal Aliens who willfully violated our laws. Do NOT reward criminal behavior with DeFacto Amnesty. Do not insult LEGAL Immigrants that obeyed USA laws and waited for their fair turn to LEGALLY enter the USA.

    -- Good he says hardworking citizens first. However we do not need immigration reform, we need laws enforced.

    -- I'm a fan of the President and will wait and see. But, think everyone should send a small check to Paul Nehlen because Ryan is the target of my discontent. He has been bought off .......etc.

    -- I am sure he is not talking about passing the RAISE act or ending birthright citizenship
    He just gave the okay dokey
    to Amnesty and raspberries to American workers

    -- I smell a sellout coming!

    --'re gonna let 'em stay? Not what I heard on the campaign trail!!

    -- force the Republicans to stand up and be counted (or replaced) We already know the Democrats
    can't be trusted to put Americans first.

    -- We do not need immigration reform. We need immigration enforcement.
    Where is the wall
    Where is a working visa entry/exit program.
    Why doesn't he stop the Muslim Refugee Resettlement program.
    Why doesn't he stop birth tourism.
    Why doesn't he push for the correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment.
    He inhaled too much swamp gas.

    -- I don't think it's a bad statement. It's just filled with an impossible task. The powers that be, in both houses of Congress, support open border and immigration anarchy. They have no interest in doing what's best for legal citizens and workers in this country. They should take up Senator Cotton's bill, but McConnel and Ryan won't let it happen. In any case, Trump will have to honor his word, or lose in 2020.

    -- We don't need "reform". We only need strict and uniform "enforcement" of the laws we have, with the exception of modifying the 14th Amendment to prevent abuse by illegals immigrants.

    -- I want us first, am in construction and they are killing us, if I break law I pay, any law, they shouldn't be different because life is hard elsewhere, if illegal they GO!!!

    -- Trump is putting the dreamers over Americans

    -- i do not want to print how i feel how about he is going to be the death of me yet

    -- The DACA people need to be deported immediately. President Trump's was too kind to them. They have every intention now of having anchor babies because they know that is one way they can stay here. They need to be deported before the anchor babies arrive. And Congress needs to eliminate the anchor baby loophole ASAP, so that no illegals alien can use it.

    -- Deport them

    -- I don't like him giving more time to eliminate DACA. Congress has had 5 years and he gave them another 8 months. I don't like his statement about how much he love these Illegals I don't like the fact that he will revisit in 6 months. This is not keeping his promise.

    -- Glad to see DACA expire. I do not trust Congress to come up with anything beneficial
    to us working class citizens.

    -- He better not forget his promises to his voters.

    -- As long as there is no amnesty and we limit the number coming in and make sure they are adding to this nation, I can deal with it.

    -- I think Trump is surrounded with biggest group of traitors in American history. If I had my way 80% of them would be on trial for sedition or worse. God Bless America

    -- I think he (the President) is doing it right. He could simply rescind Obama's e.o. but he has sent it to the Congress with a push to do something legislatively to address DACA and if they do not, then he "revisits" it and would hopefully rescind the order unequivocally. The problem(s) of course are #1, Obama himself who will come out of the swamp to make great noise with the help of the MSM and #2, the obstructionists and Rinos in Congress who will do nothing, at best, or will bash Pres. Trump for his 'thoughtless and mean' approach to terminate DACA. Those people, all of them, are traitorous or outright communists who want America to fail. I have for years, wondered what it is about the American people and our Congressional members, that they do NOT UNDERSTAND "illegal".

    -- POTUS is passing it too congress who have to get 60-vote Senate majority and a 218-vote in the House for amnesty . Whenever Washington D.C. synonymously uses immigration and reform it usually winds up being just that amnesty . Deals are going to be made, dems and rinos for special interest corporates who can care a less about outsourcing american workers lone a less the DACA dreamers crime waves

    -- No problem with putting American citizens and workers 1st...
    ...instead of those people who expect to receive free education, free health care, free adult and child support, free phones and cable TV, free legal aid, plus other subsidies and incentives to be in the USA.

    -- Although I am strongly against illegal immigration, I do not feel sending Dreamers back to Mexico is entirely fair, especially if they have been here for a long period of time. Why has no one mentioned requiring them to becme citizens in a given amount of time as a requirement to stay ? So I am OK with what Trump did on this.

    -- What I think is that Trump can't be trusted to do what he said he would do. This is not the first promise he made while he was campaigning that he has waffled on or just outright lied about.

    -- Yeah, I don't like the sound. I don't like use of loose term 'immigration reform'. I don't think we need legislation at this point anyway -- but you can see as always in bs Washington they envision (BS) "deal-making,compromising" where then you could see the notion of legislation being made where there would be this tit-for-tat tradeoff between enforcement measures we want (like Kates law, defund sanctuary citiies) for concessions to amnesty give aways or worse notions of Border "control". I don't think he is referring to the following but Trump could be use of saying, 'puts hardworking citizens of our country first' relating, signaling to that guest-worker program where companies are mandated to post a job for only Americans for 90 days and if none apply or get job then they can get foreign guest-workers. SO I hope not. It has been shown (saw video) that companies scam to get around that requirement with some kind of false ad ploy. SO I hope that is not the idea, where Trump is listening to wrong People (CFR globalists, chamber of commerce-the damn traitor Corporates).

    --When campaigning, Trump clearly voiced his views on immigration, thus getting elected. Now he wants to work with Congress (capitulate), to formulate HIS views on immigration.


    LAW AND ORDER President Trump!!!

    -- I am thoroughly disgusted. This is a slap in the face to my now deceased grandmother who came here legally in 1922 from Germany. She learned to read and write English as required by immigration law. No one catered to her. No one learned German so they could communicate.
    I know at least one Latino who came here legally and deeply resents others coming and staying without doing the same. She is a wonderful person and I was glad to have met her and to have put my son in her care while I went to school.
    Living in Washington state, we get flooded with illegals because they can stay on welfare longer some other states. I worked hard for my retirement and can barely make it. There is no help for me yet I still have to pay the way for illegals to get benefits. There is a reason immigration requires that people be sponsored to enter this country legally. The sponsor is financially responsible for the immigrant.
    I have nearly been run over in a crosswalk three times by illegals who don't know our laws. My youngest was beat up at school several times. My house was broken into twice, illegals again. We have an unusually high number of gang-bangers for a place so small.
    If my rent goes up any higher next year I may be living on the streets but by God I paid the way of illegals. If I broke the law I would be prosecuted. And where is our WALL? I'm so fed up I'm beside myself.
    Trump is just one more liar as far as I'm concerned and will not believe one more word that comes out of his mouth.
    In addition I was not raised racist but I was raised to follow the law.

    -- I really hope that this illegal act that Obama created will be ended. The thing is the DACA have been here for so long but never attempted to become citizens to contribute America but that is not their intention. They capitalize if Americans to build their country up. They tell this lie that they do not k ow where they come from and they go back all the time and they say they only speak English but they are constantly displaying they flag from they country the originally come from while they burn the American flag. It's not fair how they have manipulated the system while Americans lost work and couldn't get hired because they do not speak Spanish.

    -- Since President Trump did away with DACA today, I am think that he is talking about normal, legal immigration and numbers that will be allowed to come here on work visa’s???

    -- Pontius Pilate just washed his hands of the DACA mess. History repeats itself. and we know how that turned out! Dreamers and their families should be booted out immediately. They got free educations and much more from us. Let them return to Mexico and help out that (their) country. Mexico has taken over the USA without firing a shot. They did what no other country was able to do. I was such a Trump supporter, and am now disillusioned and mad as hell.

    -- I have a 16 year old son with disabilities who has dreams too! This would be a slap in the face to people who supported the president against the disgusting globalists!

    -- Who knows he's always keeping the people off balance and stress us all out, but we can only hope he does what he promised

    -- I hesitate, because I tend to be optimistic about the presidents intentions and then are disappointed to find that he really doesn't get it. Principles. The rule of law and not our emotions or individual viewpoints. I'm afraid that there are those close to him ‎who tug at him too.

    -- Please don't start piling on. President Trump is doing the best he can in an extremely difficult situation. He doesn't have anyone on his side, not even those gutless wonders who call themselves Republicans. Give him a break. Most of the Dreamers are descendants of Mazatlan Indians, who are very dangerous people. I believe the Globalists are encouraging them to come to the U.S. in order to further this race war. They hate Americans, especially white Americans. They do not assimilate. They are here to get as much free stuff as possible, and change our culture and language. Work with the president; do not alienate him. God knows he has a mess on his hands.

    -- It sounds like Trump is playing all sides.

    -- Is he asking Congress to pass amnesty so he can be seen keeping his campaign promise to end DACA while THEY do the dirty work?

    -- Your initial worry was that Pres Trump would not kept his campaign promise to end DACA. Well, the good news is that Pres Trump did end the DACA Executive Order. He passed the problem to a Congress that is famous for wasting time and doing nothing. ALIPAC can probably block an amnesty, but pushing the legislation to a back burner behind tax reform may be the best tactic. Delay and let DACA expire as scheduled by Pres Trump.

    -- Im all for it..tougher immigration more green cards for 5 years..

    -- It sounds reasonable. However, Congress is at fault for not fixing this problem in the first place. Can only hope that the President makes some progress with them.

    -- Reform is generally code for amnesty.
    The only real reform we need we need is to enforce the current laws on the books; that would be a nice start.

    -- What ever "reform" is done should NOT include a path to citizenship; ever!! If illegals want citizenship then go to the back of the line and do it the right way.
    What we really need is to STOP immigration to the USA all together for about 40-50 years till we can assimilate the mess that our politicians have created.

    -- Mr. President, I am happy that you wish to put Citizens and legal residents first. They should be your only concern. There should never have been a DACA program so letting it lapse without further legislation is the correct path.

    -- My immediate reaction is that President Trump is still in business negotiation mode. Both sides concede, both sides win. It's an "and" situation. He is missing the point. This is an either/or situation. One side wins, one side loses. The little story of the frog and the serpent comes to mind.

    -- First thought is he may be compromising, and giving in some things.
    And the other thought is a soft,subtle approach to saying
    You had better put some teeth in this reform,
    Bottom line- i am nervous, looks like another sellout.

    -- Good. Something Obama never did on anything.

    -- REFORM, take their welfare,foodstamps away,section-8,then sent them back to their Great Country !

    -- I believe that the POTUS is trying to force the hand of our do-nothing Congress. I think he wants true immigration reform and border security (as he has promised) and that he wants it done in a manner that protects the US citizen first and foremost. But, he weakened his position when he tweeted last night that he will do something if Congress does nothing.

    -- We need to stop immigration and deport everyone that has came into the US for the past 8 years if not longer until we get our country back in shape.

    -- Dear Mr President
    If you want a second term NO AMNESTY. Enforce the laws make E-verify the law of the land and crack down on employers of illegal workers,PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!

    -- There's no working with the D's & R's anymore...they should be removed from office. Trump is passing the buck on this hot-potato topic and Congress will pass it along as well. This issue will take the same route as the multitudes of Continuing Resolutions.

    -- Hard to say what it means, leaves room for debate. Trump has waffled somewhat on this subject as you know. It should mean that illegals need to go, but during campaign he mentioned they had to go but since being elected it is only those who have committed crimes have to go.

    -- I think that Trump ought to use this opportunity to push the RAISE Act, and to indicate that he will veto any bill that attempts to slip DACA amnesty through, e.g., a debt ceiling increase or hurricane aid. He also needs to indicate that he will not consider any DACA legalization without attaching a decrease in legal immigration and mandatory E-Verify.

    -- Trump should be given the benefit of the doubt here. After all, he supports the RAISE Act, so in the absence of a more specific statement, we can presume he meant good immigration reform like that.

    -- How else can we respond but to say....we are with you President Trump

    -- The only way Pres. Trump can put US citizens first is to send them packing. End chain migration End anchor babies ( birthright to babies born of foreign nationals) I read that only about 22% of DACA currents, have college degrees. I feel if any are allowed to stay, they still have jobs that US citizens could have done. If any are allowed to stay I MIGHT be ok if they were FOREVER BANNED from having US citizenship and FOREVER banned from voting. I’ve read that at least 3 have committed violent crimes.

    -- It sounds to me like he's looking for a compromise. He's willing to give up on something in order to get something.


    -- He is joining the swamp gang. He is a f---in traitor
    They turned him

    -- I also agree Mr. G. it is a rather "VAGUE" statement the president made. Although, personally I think we should continue to ATTACK with our CURRENT ACTIVISM STRATEGIES, and maybe give President Trump the benefit of the doubt on this one. Hell, I may end up EATING THOSE WORDS, but I'm simply going with my GUT on this one! Its pretty reliable MOST OF THE TIME, when its FULL! HAHAHA! You keep on rockin'and rollin'Mr.G!! We WILL WIN THIS!!!

    -- I was with ttrmp from the beginning;
    always have loved the guy.
    Im stillwith him ...but...
    hes becoming more of the establishment by the day!!!
    Daca was NOT recisnded! just a can kicked down the road!!!
    "Reform"???? is CHEAP-LABOR!! SUB-standard wages!! Its treason!!!
    GREeN cards??? should be NONE!!! NONE damnit!! NOT ONE!!

    -- I am totally shocked with what Trump has not done with ILLEGALS! He is just like BUSH, CLINTON, BUSH2, and OBAMA!! I for one and so disappointed in this I will not vote for Trump again. He sold us out just like they all have for 30 years!!
    So so sad!

    -- I agree with him

    -- The only thing worse than a scoundrel is a hypocritical one. His Secretary of the Treasury should resign. Ironically the Demorats have been trying to impeach him based on nothing. It is too bad that he cannot be impeached for betrayal of the American people.
    Last edited by ALIPAC; 09-07-2017 at 08:30 AM.
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    Last edited by ALIPAC; 09-06-2017 at 07:47 PM.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member synaptic's Avatar
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    President Trump has betrayed us on this matter from day one, or at least day five. His pledge as candidate is unambiguous:

    "5. Immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties. All immigration laws will be enforced - we will triple the number of ICE agents. Anyone who enters the U.S. illegally is subject to deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country."

    That was scrubbed from five days after the inauguration. That was the first clue, but maybe they were just moving on from the campaign, right? See for yourself, it was removed the evening of January 25th:*/

    I wrote the President, then again, and again. I had contributed to him from day one due to his get tough message on illegal immigration and even got an invitation to the inauguration. I thought there was a chance the message would get through, or at least tallied and reported. I started writing him daily asking him to keep his pledge. He had announced Supreme Court justice nominee Gorsuch and asserted that he is a man of his word. Not so much on DACA, eh?

    Then he started talking about his big fat heart and how DACA recipients shouldn't worry. That's when I wrote Governor Otter of Idaho and asked him to consider a new lawsuit challenging DACA as he had done with Texas against DAPA. President Trump was getting cold feet. My State did become a party to a new lawsuit against DACA and set a September 5th deadline for the President to stop issuing new deferrals or they would sue to shutdown the entire program. Got that? President Trump has been continuing DACA this whole time, issuing new de facto amnesty to illegal aliens.

    Then I saw the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security General Kelly address Congress in June/July and beg them to revisit the DREAM Act. Then again, within a month, he addressed Congress again, this time the Hispanic caucus, also asking them to revisit the DREAM Act and then declaring his personal support for DACA. What's this? The head of DHS supports the unconstitutional DACA program in violation of his oaths? Does he not know that they voted on it in 2001, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 and it failed each and every time leading President Obama to violate the Constitution and do it anyway? He surely knows this but doesn't care.

    President Trump liked Kelly's message so much, he made him White House Chief of Staff to push permanent amnesty in the President's legislative agenda. All of the sudden, President Trump is signalling that he will sign an amnesty bill! Not good.

    And the President waited until the last minute of that deadline, didn't he? He's trying to have it both ways, he knows that DACA cannot be defended in court, but he's trying to soft-peddle getting rid of it. I am certain if the States had not given an ultimatum, he would have just continued granting them temporary amnesty.

    This idea that he is cancelling it, but not yet, maybe in six months, and let's get Congress to take another look at it is about the most boneheaded move he could make. He thinks he's being clever but really too clever by half. He missed the perfect opportunity to explain our system of government and our Constitution.

    Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution guarantees to the States a republican form of government as well as protection against invasion and domestic violence. The fact that We, the People, were asked over and over again in the Congress about the DREAM act, said no, over and over again, then President Obama implemented it anyway, over our express objections, means that DACA is tyranny. It is certainly not rule by the People. For this reason, DACA must end. I urge everybody to ask their Governor to proceed with the lawsuit to restore the rule of law. President's Trump continuation of DACA is lawless.

    President Trump has gotten all gooey on this.

    The worst part is his last tweet on the matter on September 5:
    Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

    What? If We, the People say no yet again, you're going to violate the Constitution and implement amnesty by tyrannical decree like Obama?

    I'll be real honest here, I'm looking for another candidate for 2020. The American people are betrayed by these acts. If he does executive amnesty in six months, impeach and remove him.
    That is what it means to have laws and to have a country.

    Last edited by synaptic; 09-06-2017 at 11:58 PM.

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