ALIPAC and many other immigration enforcement groups are working together to support the Tax Day Tea Party Protests on April 15, 2009!

GOALS: Raise awareness and citizen activism levels on the issues of illegal immigration, taxation, and tax payer resources to oppose Amnesty for illegal aliens and support secure borders and immigration enforcement. Help build the broader political coalitions needed to save America.


1. More people attending the Tax Day Tea Party events on April 15.
2. Get as many of these signs and fliers displayed and distributed at the Tax Day Tea Party events on April 15.


1. Review the Tea Party links and locate the events nearest to you and schedule to attend while encouraging others to attend as well.

2. Print up fliers and signs at home or by sending the files to Kinkos or Office Max by their websites or e-mails to have them printed at the stores.

Tax Day Tea Party Event Locations and Times

Note: There are many different groups hold Tax Day Tea Party events across America on April 15. It is rumored that almost 2,000 events will take place making this a truly historic coalition effort.

Please let us know if more coordinating groups and links should be added to our list.


Tax Day Tea Party

American Family Association AFA Tea Parties


(Both can be printed at home or at a printer shop in color or black and white / size 8.5" by 11")

Place on tables, in booths, or hand out to others by hand.

ALIPAC's Tax Day Tea Party Handout

ALIPAC's Recruitment Flier



The Posters are 18x24 and can be printed at home.

Easy to Use Downloadable Printing Program and Instrucstions

Home Printing Instructions

1) You may open the link in your browser. Right click on the image and save to your computer or choose Print Image/Picture.
If you saved the file, then choose the file you want to print and click the "Print" option.
2) Choose your printer. There should be a drop-down menu with a list of printers. Select yours.
3) Click the “Propertiesâ€