Friends of ALIPAC,

Standard reminder that ALIPAC is not endorsing any Presidential candidate and our focus is on warning the public about the pro-amnesty candidates, who are all of the Democrats and GOP candidates McCain and Huckabee.

We have to put that text into every email because we get so many false accusations that we are supporting this candidate or that.

While both Mitt Romney and Ron Paul remain on our No Amnesty list at ALIPAC, we are quite aware that voters in America who support anti-Amnesty Ron Paul and Secret-Amnesty Mike Huckabee are looking at the Mitt Romney campaign this weekend because they fear what DC insider John McCain will do to this nation.

We ask our supporters who favor Ron Paul to realize that ALIPAC did not create this situation, we are merely describing what we are seeing out there.

At the time of this e-mail alert, many of our activists across America are working feverishly to get our "McClintObama Amnesty" article out to the nation. Since this article warns voters about both McCain and Huckster, both Paul and Romney are beneficiaries of our efforts.

McClintObama Amnesty Plan: 20 million illegal alien voters by 2010

We have been receiving some repetitive questions and posts about the Mitt Romney campaign. We have done some homework and would like to share this information with you all.

Item 1:

Despite numerous accusations, our researchers can find no evidence that Mitt Romney is currently, or was ever in the CFR or Council on Foreign Relations. Many of our supporters are very concerned about the CFR, since the CFR is a major force behind the push for a "North American Community", which some call the NAU (North American Union).

While Romney did do a foreign policy speech to the CFR, we can find no record of him being with the CFR, yet online activists who favor other candidates are making this claim on a regular basis.

You can view our discussion on this at this link....

Item 2:

There are many accusations that Mitt Romney will support Amnesty like the others. What we do know is that Mitt Romney has been one of the most fervent candidates stating opposition to Amnesty. So much so, it is now confirmed that the Bush administration is working against Mitt Romney behind the scenes and specifically in response to Romney's tough stance on immigration.

Article: Bush opposes Romney

In fact Romney has stated publicly that he opposes the CFR and US Chamber of Commerce's desire for a North American Community.

Item 3:

In a signal to our movement of his support, Mitt Romney just secured the endorsement of Dr. Chris Kobach. Kobach will now serve as an advisory to Romney on immigration matters. Chris Kobach is a famous personality in our movement. He has headed up lawsuits in Kansas against in-state tuition for illegal aliens and is head of the legal team defending the anti-illegal immigration ordinances passed by Historic Hazleton, PA.

In fairness, Ron Paul has secured the endorsements of over 35 groups and activists in our movement, mostly in Southern CA, but to our knowledge the Paul campaign has not placed anyone officially on his campaign.

We did receive good news from the Paul campaign that Ron Paul does plan to sign the NumbersUSA "No Amnesty" pledge, but that has not taken place yet, and we have asked to be advised of when it will happen.

All ALIPAC Activists are quite capable of making up their own minds on what is best and who they support.

We are doing all we can to maintain balance and to respect everyone's opinions about this race.

We must advise you all that should John McCain win on Tuesday, we can expect many months of gloating from our opposition and they will shout from every rooftop that the McCain victory is a public mandate for Amnesty, and a sign that the immigration enforcement movement is a loud minority outside of the mainstream.

That will be the fallout for us from a McCain Primary win. Hope and work for the best, but prepare for the worst.