Friends of ALIPAC:

As soon as I send you this e-mail, I am picking up my phone and making these calls. Please follow me in.

My first two calls will be to both of the US Senators for my state. Senator Harry Reid has brought the Bad Dream Act Amnesty back and is using procedures designed to vote it into law before the nation can react.

While we have defeated the Bad Dream Act Amnesty four times already, Reid has invoked "Rule 14", which allows him to move quickly on the bill and without much debate. He and the AMNESTY supporters have filled the act as a bill this time, instead of trying to amend it onto other legislation.

At the time of this e-mail, our DC sources tell us they plan to vote on the Bad Dream Act Amnesty as early as tomorrow or Wed so you must call today for your voice to be heard! There may be some time on Wed. for you to get your calls in, but do not count on that unless you must.

Please locate your US Senators on our directory at this link....

Call your Senators and say, "This is ______ from (Your city and state) and I am appalled that Senator Reid is pushing the Bad Dream Act AMNESTY again today. This measure has already been defeated four times! I want Senator _______ to vote NO on CLOTURE and NO on S.2205 submitted by Senators Durbin, Hagel, and Lugar. Americans overwhelmingly oppose this legislation and are sick and tired of DC lawmakers pushing Amnesty. I will be watching the cloture votes closely and expect my Senator _____ to vote NO ON CLOTURE"

For those of you who are new, it requires 60 votes in the Senate for Cloture which allows the bill to proceed for a final vote. Our best chance to stop it is by defeating the cloture vote so proper wording is essential.

Once I have called my US Senators, I will then turn my attention to the New York state Assembly (House).

I plan on calling each number for each legislator and there are many!

Yesterday, we sent you an alert to call for an emergency session of the New York state legislature, to override Governor Spitzer's executive order for the state to issue licenses to illegal aliens despite 72% opposition from New York state citizens.

We then discovered that the special session started yesterday, but it had not received much media attention! Good thing we got those calls in and we are pleased to report that THE NEW YORK SENATE PASSED A BILL TO STOP SPITZER!

Please read

Also, a lawsuit has been filed to help stop Spitzer's diabolical plan!

Suit filed over New York driver's licenses going to illegal immigrants

Today, Tuesday October 23, the lower chamber which is called the Assembly, plans to vote on this bill.

If we can help this bill pass TODAY, it will be a stunning defeat for Governor Spitzer and the Open Borders Lobby!

We will then have a precedent we can use to go after the states of Texas, South Carolina, and Illinois where they are either giving licenses to illegals or planning on it.

Here in North Carolina, they are still giving licenses to illegal aliens, but not as many as in the past because ALIPAC helped pass new laws requiring valid Social Security numbers.

New York state is both a precedent and a domino because a victory for our team can quickly be used around the nation to stop other states from issuing licenses to illegal aliens.

I need ALIPAC Activists from every state in America to please join me on the phones by calling each New York state Assembly member to say....

"Please vote for Senator Padavan's bill S. 6484 which will stop Governor Spitzer from giving licenses and ID cards to illegal aliens. I am calling from (City and State) because I know that 72% of the people in New York state want S. 6484 to pass. When three out of four people in a state oppose a measure, but the Governor will not listen, we need state elected officials to represent the wisdom of the majority of Americans that oppose licenses or any benefits for illegal aliens."

Here is the contact lists for the New York State Assembly members!

We have much to do today. This is an EMERGENCY. Our attentions and efforts must be divided and we must win on two fronts.

I'm picking up the phone now and starting my calls.

Please call in behind me as soon as you can.

I will be checking this link at ALIPAC, if anyone has any questions or comments.

Yours in the cause,

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC