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    GOP Establishment Trying To Throw Race to Hillary Clinton

    GOP Establishment Trying To Throw Race to Hillary Clinton

    November 2, 2016

    by William Gheen
    Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

    From the news reports and blogosphere, an undeniable pattern is emerging making it clear that the GOP establishment is unwilling to accept their loss of the Presidential primary to the tens of millions of Americans who support populist candidate Donald Trump.

    It appears their plan is to throw the race to Hillary Clinton, then help her quickly pass mass "Immigration Reform" amnesty for illegal aliens before moving on to permanent open borders for America accompanied by full gun confiscation using a mandatory buyback program similar to the disarmament methods used on the British and Australians. These sellout Republicans are more loyal to Obama and Clinton's plan to fundamentally, permanently, and forcibly transform America permanently than they are to the Constitution or the will of the America people!

    These GOP Establishment culprits engaged in this plot are the same ones who are responsible for America's illegal immigration crisis and all of the jobs, taxpayer funds, and lives lost to their treachery. These RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) feel more comfortable conspiring with, working with, and supporting Hillary Clinton and her army of criminal minions than they do Donald Trump!

    The list of Republicans trying to pull the rug on Donald Trump include the Bush dynasty members (Jeb, W, and H.W.), Karl Rove, Glenn Beck, John Kasich, John McCain, and Paul Ryan! These Republicans fear Donald Trump more than Hillary Clinton because they serve the same billionaire-backed plans to flood America with tens of millions of illegal aliens to take over US elections and submerge the existing Constitution and population of America beneath a new global form of governance.

    Under a Hillary Clinton presidency, these GOP establishment types and their K Street lobbyist puppet masters all get to remain famous on Fox News, rich, and influential in their ill gotten gains acquired by betraying the American public.

    Under a Donald Trump presidency, these GOP establishment members face problems ranging from becoming irrelevant to being put on trial by independent prosecutors for corruption and treason once a Trump administration starts digging into their past and current wrongdoings!

    The Bush Family Backs Hillary

    Today the headlines of the ardently communist Hillary Clinton supporters at Politico jubilantly inform us that George W. Bush is planning on joining his father George H.W. Bush voting for Hillary Clinton! (Source)

    The Bush family is still very angry that the heir apparent to the American "Presidential Throne" Jeb Bush was shut down by the Trump insurgency. The powers that are responsible for wrecking America had this race all lined up for you to have to choose between another Clinton and another Bush! No matter what you think of Donald Trump on a personal level, you must recognize and thank him for saving America from the plan to force us all to vote Bush or Clinton once again!

    Donald Trump tapped into the issues of illegal immigration and English language support vs Jeb Bush's Spanish language media gaff which resulted in Trump knocking down the Bush Dynasty titans and a total of 22 tough primary challengers to win with the largest volume of popular votes in the history of the Republican Party! The Bush family is angry, jealous, and fearful of prosecution for their crimes against America under a Trump Presidency and, as such, are trying to protect their own asses by leading Republicans to vote for Hillary Clinton.

    Watching all the whole Bush family back Hillary Clinton makes me think there really is something to those old accusations that the Bush and Clinton crime families worked together with the cartels to bring in contraband through places like Mena, Arkansas!

    Karl Rove and Fox News Back Hillary

    On Fox News, the Bush Dynasty campaign architect Karl Rove has to finally stop flooding the network with a different guest every hour of their broadcast explaining that Donald Trump can't win this election after new polls show Trump taking the lead! (Source)

    Rupert Murdoch and Newscorp have put Rove and Senator Lindsey Graham in charge of the guest list for Fox News so viewers get a steady stream of pro-illegal alien amnesty sources and subtle Trump opponents while border security hawks like me have been banned since 2010! You can bet your bottom dollar that Karl Rove is deeply involved with the strategy to utilize Evan McMullin, Gary Johnson (Open Borders Libertarian Candidate), Jeb Bush in Florida, John Kasich in Ohio, John McCain in Arizona, and Paul Ryan in Wisconsin to cost Trump enough electoral votes to throw the race to Hillary Clinton.

    I've fought against Karl Rove and his illegal alien invasion and amnesty plans for so many years that I recognize his work. I can see his fingerprints all over this.

    Glenn Beck Backs Hillary

    And while I have not tuned in to listen, I'm quite sure that Glenn Beck is doing what he does every morning on his show attacking Donald Trump and doing all he can to throw the race to Clinton. Glenn Beck blew away most of his own grass roots support and donor base a few years ago when he rushed down to the border with Ted Cruz to give teddy bears and candy to newly arriving illegal aliens and their kids.

    Yet, Beck's show continues with a new group of advertisers and backers and Beck praises Mitt Romney and Romney's Utah Presidential candidate and vote spoiler Evan McMullin! Many of us wondered why Glenn Beck refused to stand up against illegal immigration and amnesty for illegals all these years like other talk radio show hosts such as Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, and Michael Savage. Now that Beck's loyalty to the DC Establishment Republicans and apoplectic opposition to Trump and Trump's supporters is out in the open, we know why.

    Many prior Glenn Beck supporters shake their heads and say, "Glenn Beck has lost it!"

    Mitt Romney, Bill Kristol, and Independent Candidate Evan McMullin Back Hillary

    Glenn Beck is a Mormon and appears to be aligned with the Mitt Romney plot down in Utah where Romney's political machine, which includes the likes of Fox News darling Neocon Bill Kristol, has launched a powerful independent candidate for President named Evan McMullin. McMullin has been a frequent guest on Beck's show and it appears he is a vote spoiler being used by Romney's organization to try to deprive Trump of the 8 Electoral Votes he needs from Utah!

    Utah voters are being duped once again by the pro-illegal alien amnesty Mitt Romney and Mormon Church into supporting Hillary Clinton by voting for Evan McMullin who recent polls showed leading the race in Utah! (Source)

    This is the same Mitt Romney that worked very hard as a Presidential candidate backed by the open borders power group called the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) to convince everyone he was tough on illegal immigration. While this won Romney the GOP primary in 2012, right after he lost to Obama he revealed that he in fact supported "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" amnesty for illegals.

    Early in this most recent primary season, Mitt Romney was conducting seminars in Utah to instruct GOP candidates not to run on the issues of border security and illegal immigration control! But then Donald Trump emerged and spoiled his plan, and in turn Romney now conspires to elect Hillary Clinton and blame Trump's "harsh rhetoric against immigrants" as the reason for his loss!

    And Trump's campaign faces serious stumbling blocks in the swing states of Arizona, Wisconsin, and Ohio because of the efforts of John McCain, Paul Ryan, and John Kasich in those respective states. Each of these men is overtly doing their best to throw the race to Hillary Clinton and lead just enough Republican voters in each state astray to cost Trump those must have electoral votes!

    McMullin's campaign is even using slogans and lingo that has been emanating from the Mitt Romney open borders faction of the GOP for years like his "Principles for New American Leadership" which matches Romney's "New American Century." It is clear that Evan McMullin, Mitt Romney, and their fellow conspirators Rove, Beck, Ryan, and others consider "New American" to mean millions of illegal aliens turned into "new American" voters propping up their grand theft nation strategies forevermore!

    John Kasich Backs Hillary

    On November 1, 2016, the Communist News Network aka Clinton News Network aka CNN gleefully reported that Ohio Governor John Kasich wrote in notorious Gang of Eight amnesty backer John McCain's name for President. In an effort to throw the race to Hillary Clinton and lead other Republicans to do the same, Kasich voted for someone in his own pro-amnesty camp instead of Trump!

    This shouldn't surprise anyone after John Kasich attacked Trump viciously through the Primary and turned off most Republican voters with his comment "God Bless" illegal immigrants in Oct of 2015! (source)

    John Kasich just showed you what the rest of this Bush and Romney dynasty are trying to do to Donald Trump and America. They want you to vote for pro-Amnesty John McCain instead of anti-amnesty Donald Trump.

    John McCain Backs Hillary

    While John McCain actively sought and unfortunately received Donald Trump's endorsement during his GOP primary facing challenge from Dr. Kelli Ward, Trump learned of his mistake when McCain quickly withdrew his endorsement of Trump after winning his primary.

    Endorsing John McCain and Paul Ryan while they faced insurgent primary candidates tapping the same issues important to voters as Donald Trump has been one of Trump's biggest mistakes during this run.

    Here at ALIPAC, we have received communications claiming that McCain and other Gang of Eight amnesty backers have sent word to Hillary Clinton's campaign that they are willing to back her promise to pass amnesty for illegal aliens in her first 100 days in office.

    Getting Amnesty passed for illegals has been John McCain's top priority since his legislation co-sponsored by liberal Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy was destroyed by ALIPAC and NumbersUSA back in 2006 and 2007!

    John McCain fears Donald Trump will undo all of his work to pass Amnesty and create open uncontrolled borders in America, and that is why he is working with Rove, Romney, and Ryan (The Three R's) to throw this race to Hillary Clinton!

    Paul Ryan Backs Hillary

    Paul Ryan quickly took an opportunity to withdraw support and pull the rug under Trump's feet as hard as he could as soon as word of the leaked audio tape with vulgar comments. Yesterday he sheepishly claimed that he has "already voted for our nominee" refusing to use Donald Trump's name.

    This thinly veiled animosity and opposition to Trump is the reason that Trump is not clearly ahead in the swing state of Wisconsin. The GOP primary in Ryan's district where he faced challenger Paul Nehlen shows how much sway Ryan has on the voters of his home state. Paul Ryan fears that Donald Trump will work to remove him as speaker and destroy the amnesty legislation that Ryan fought to get to Obama's desk in 2013-2015!

    For the Republican Speaker of the House not to strongly support and stand by the party's clear and definitive choice for President shows that Ryan is trying to covertly throw this race to Hillary Clinton.

    The Battle To Save America By Saving Underdog Trump Needs You!

    The GOP faction described here is using its network and resources to undermine Donald Trump's campaign on the ground through GOP and Republican National Committee (RNC) operatives!

    Only a massive turnout from the "Silent Majority" can save Trump from this grand betrayal and powerful backstabbing from within the GOP by the illegal alien amnesty backing Republicans that is likely to include GOP members of the US Senate that were on the Gang of Eight like McCain, Rubio, and Jeff Flake, and likely includes the many Republican House members that funded Obama's unconstitutional Amnesty orders that are on ALPAC's Cantor List (View).

    Trump needs Democrat and Independent voters to come his way if they can see and understand that Trump is fighting a one party political machine I call "The Beast"! The Beast is a term used to describe this criminal cabal which includes all the Democrat lawmakers in DC, these turncoat amnesty backing Republicans that vote like Democrats, and all major networks including CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and ABC, all of which have joined with massive corporations like Facebook and Google to become extensions of the US Government under Obama! All of these global power groups have united against Donald Trump and Trump's supporters!

    In the final days running up to Election Day, those who understand this battle need to realize this is not just an election. This is a political revolt against a one party system masquerading as a two party system. Those in the know must do more than just vote!

    We need you on the ground going toe to toe against the political machinery we face. We need you to locate the closest Donald Trump campaign HQ and Donald Trump campaign employee and ask them what they need. They need you on their phone banks calling voters, they need you walking neighborhoods and taking friends and family members to vote early for Trump. They need you putting out signs and trying to keep them up against Hillary Clinton's army of criminal minions out there attacking private property and striving to silence your American civil rights!

    Those in the know must do more than just vote! We need you on the ground going toe to toe against the political machinery we face. We need you to locate the closest Donald Trump campaign HQ and Donald Trump campaign employee and ask them what they need. They need you on their phone banks calling voters, they need you walking neighborhoods and taking friends and family members to vote early for Trump. They need you putting out signs and trying to keep them up against Hillary Clinton's army of criminal minions out there attacking private property and striving to silence your American civil rights!

    Democrats are good at the campaign ground games that win elections while most Donald Trump supporters are new at this and have only a matter of hours or days to figure out how to fight back effectively against Hillary Clinton's well organized and financed ground game she has been preparing for decades!

    ALIPAC and Overpasses for America need you waving American flags, Donald Trump for President Signs, and Hillary for Prison / Lock Hillary Up signs with us on more than 50 overpasses and intersections across America to rally like-minded Americans! Join our National Wave of Protests Against Hillary Clinton (see event list).

    And if the dust clears on this Election Day 2016 with Donald J Trump as our next President, please remember the names of every GOP "leader" like George Bush, Mitt Romney, Karl Rove, Glenn Beck, John Kasich, Bill Kristol, John McCain, and Paul Ryan who did all they could to elect a globalist, socialist, gun grabbing illegal alien amnesty backing Democrat like Hillary Clinton as your President! If Trump wins, we need to eradicate these slimy two faced traitors from the American political sphere and send them all to the political dust bin of history or to jail where many of them belong next to Hillary Clinton.

    And on Election Day, strike back against McCain and Ryan by voting for "Anyone but McCain & Ryan"! #AnyoneButMcCainRyan
    Last edited by ALIPAC; 11-27-2016 at 04:03 PM.
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  2. #2
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    How is progress going in replacing McCain with somebody -- anybody -- else?
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  3. #3
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States

    Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is releasing this strategic analysis, commentary, and plan of action that cannot be found in any other publications in America.

    "American is upon the precipice or beyond and the pattern is clear that a plot is afoot among key GOP establishment titans to throw this race to Hillary Clinton, especially in the precarious swing states of Arizona, Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, and even deep red Utah!" said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "We are the working to name those bad actors and to advise Trump supporters on ways to overcome and diffuse this grand deception. In the years to come, Americans will remember and exact political and legal justice from the Republicans trying to help Hillary Clinton win in 2016!"

    For more information, details, and sources please read and distribute...

    GOP Establishment Trying To Throw Race to Hillary Clinton

    November 2, 2016

    by William Gheen
    Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

    From the news reports and blogosphere, an undeniable pattern is emerging making it clear that the GOP establishment is unwilling to accept their loss of the Presidential primary to the tens of millions of Americans who support populist candidate Donald Trump.

    It appears their plan is to throw the race to Hillary Clinton, then help her quickly pass mass "Immigration Reform" amnesty for illegal aliens before moving on to permanent open borders for America accompanied by full gun confiscation using a mandatory buyback program similar to the disarmament methods used on the British and Australians. These sellout Republicans are more loyal to Obama and Clinton's plan to fundamentally, permanently, and forcibly transform America permanently than they are to the Constitution or the will of the America people!

    READ MORE AT....
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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