Friends of ALIPAC,

We have some great news to report today, which is Labor Day 2009!

This news, if properly used, can greatly enhance our side's political momentum.

Today, we received a new Rasmussen Report poll that shows an astounding 83% of Americans believe that illegal aliens should not have access to "government health care subsidies".

Only 12% felt that illegal immigrants / illegal aliens should have access to "government health care subsidies".

This poll shows us once again that ALIPAC's positions are favored by approximately 4 out of 5 Americans and our opposition barely has the support of 1 in 10!

Now, we do not have much time to put this to good use! We must remind you all that sellout Senate Immigration Subcommittee Chair Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has promised the illegal alien groups that he will launch his AMNESTY legislation (Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty) shortly after Labor Day!

Democrat Senator Schumer Points to this Fall for Illegal Alien Amnesty Proposal

We will add the new poll showing 83% of Americans opposed to illegal aliens receiving government health care subsidies into our polling collection pages so many Americans will see this info.

We will also do a national press release Tuesday.

What we need YOU to do is....

1. Keep raising the issue of illegal immigration at any town hall meetings or health care reform meetings you can get into. Your voices are being heard and you are making press in articles like this one.

Illegal Immigration Issue A Top Concern At Town Hall Meetings


2. Distribute this new poll far and wide. Use it in letters to the editor, use it in your calls, e-mails and faxes to Congress. Use this information during calls to talk radio shows. Make sure all local and national talk radio shows have copies of this poll and encouragements to use it.

From time to time at ALIPAC, we receive polling data in the middle of a contentious political battle that we know can play a decisive roll in defeating our opponents in the Open Borders Lobby.

This is one of those polls. Use it fervently and wisely this week, and if you have questions about how you can use it or suggestions for others use our feedback link.

83% Say Proof of Citizenship Should Be Required to Get Government Health Aid
(Rasmussen Reports, September 7, 2009)

3. Begin using the following language, practice it, refine it, and begin making this phrase a staple.

"83% opposed to health care benefits for illegals does not mean the public wants to make them simply legal and then give them health care benefits! Americans want enforcement, INSTEAD OF AMNESTY! No benefits and No Amnesty in any form for illegals"

The Open Borders Lobby is using a few expensive propaganda polls, which makes the false claim that a majority of Americans want our existing laws changed to accommodate over fifteen million illegal immigrants on US soil and turn them into citizens and voters.

THIS IS FALSE and our large and growing collection of polls illustrate that.

ALIPAC Collection of Polls and Surveys for activists use (found on the homepage at

The fact that the current 'Health Care Reform' legislation leaves the door open for illegal aliens to receive benefits, and the fact that illegal immigrants are stealing billions from US taxpayers via health care each year as things stand can be under serious challenge by weeks end, if you will TAKE ACTION WITH THIS NEW POLL!

Let's Roll! Perhaps we can push Sellout Senator Schumer back on his AMNESTY LEGISLATION time line, if we can get the media to focus on this.

Remember, it is ALIPAC's national strategy to try and stop Amnesty or slow down Amnesty legislation to get us into the 2010 election cycle, which should stop progress on this unpopular elitist move. We are buying time to give Americans one more chance in the elections of 2010.


PS: ALIPAC continues to represent you in the very biased national newspapers like the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Washington Times, Washington Post, and Boston Globe. But as you can see here we are usually outnumbered in these articles and our main points are often excluded.

ALIPAC in the Boston Globe

Questions, Feedback, Progress Reports, and Suggestions WELCOME at this link..