Friends of ALIPAC,

We would like to thank all of you who contributed and worked so hard on this year's elections. Together, we endorsed more candidates than ever before and were able to reach more people than ever before with our recommendations. We also set a new organizational record for the amount of money we spent and the support we could offer candidates who stand with you against amnesty and for more immigration enforcement.

For Democrats, Obama won and the party picked up some new seats in the US Senate and House. Obama promised a path to citizenship for illegal aliens just like McCain and the strong dissatisfaction with the Bush administration was stronger and more dominant than it was in 2006. The good news for our side is that many Democrats ran to the right of their Republican opposition to win. We saw more Democrats touting how they would be tough on immigration enforcement than ever before. How many of them mean it is anyone's guess, but we will soon launch an operation to bring more Democrat members of Congress to our side.

Today in the Republican Party, the message should be clear. You don't screw over your base and still think you can win! McCain's problem was not with swing voters. You could not get more 'swing' than McCain. His problem was with the conservative base, as illustrated by the fact he was only briefly winning in the polls after he selected Sarah Palin. It is acknowledged that Palin energized the base, but once the Palin effect faded due to her mirroring McCain on all issues including a pledge for amnesty for illegal aliens made to Univision, McCain was losing again.

Of special note is how McCain promised illegal alien supporters in the Hispanic community and many other communities everything he thought they wanted to hear. He promised Amnesty on Univision and touted his leadership pushing Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty in 2006 and 2007. While Hispanic voters traditionally vote 65% Democrat, Obama received just 66% of the Hispanic vote this year. What we should now call "McCain's Gamble" failed to pay off. Ditching your base and pandering to illegal alien supporters was a huge mistake that likely cost him any chance at winning this election.

Let every Republican know that the national precedent has been set in stone. Promising illegal aliens a path to citizenship will NOT DELIVER you the Hispanic vote for many reasons.

Now, the GOP has a chance to clean house within the party. The coaches and leaders who failed the party and the American public need to go. The people like Lindsey Graham, John McCain, George Bush, and the other band of sellouts in the GOP leadership need a firm kick in their rear on their way down the ladder of the Party leadership.

Now, for some good news.

The good news is that while everyone will endure some jubilation and gloating from the Democrats through the inauguration next year, the honeymoon will be short lived against the backdrop of a nation that is coming apart.

We are now poised for a significant backlash in 2010 similar to what happened in 1994, after Clinton won in 1992. This coming backlash will provide us with our best opportunity yet, to elect more candidates who are in alignment with the public on immigration issues.



We were sad to see Lindsey Graham reelected and Dole and Sunnunu lose. Yes, losing an amnesty opponent like Dole will hurt us next year. But the good news is that Obama does not have the 60 votes he needs to pass AMNESTY in the Senate, IF we can stop McCain and his band of sellouts in the Senate from joining with the Democrats to pass it.

The Democrats, with their sellout Republicans like McCain and Graham will soon try to push for the following three things which are nation breakers. Probably in this order.

1. New laws restricting free speech on talk radio and the Internet, similar to the Fairness Doctrine, that will try to stop these communication channels from sharing the truth with Americans or rallying opposition to the Globalist agenda including Amnesty.

2. A path to citizenship for millions of illegal aliens to try and turn them into voters before 2010 or 2012. A new block of over 12 million illegal aliens turned into citizens and voters would solidify their open borders plans and destroy all future hopes for immigration enforcement.

3. New restrictions on 2nd Amendment rights to assure that the law abiding population of the US is completely defenseless against any criminal conduct from thugs in suits or leather, corporations, government, or gangs.

Many of our analysts feel that Obama is less likely to get these measures through Congress than McCain, especially since the Democrats did not sweep the Senate by gaining over 60 seats. We may actually now be in a better position to stop Amnesty than we were before the election.


Illegal Alien SNEAK Plays Defeated.

We are very pleased to announce, that thanks to you and our allied organizations, on the ground in Florida and Arizona, two pro-illegal alien ballot initiatives were defeated on Election Day. The illegal alien supporters tried to make these measures sound pro-enforcement on the ballot to trick voters, but we all worked together to get the word out and the sneak plays failed! Arizona's Proposition 202 and Florida's Amendment No. 1 were defeated. Our allied groups from both states have been writing and calling to thank ALIPAC and ALIPAC supporters for the help defeating these.

The illegal alien supporters are so upset by these losses that the New York Times is taking a swipe at us in today's paper for our role in defeating the Florida measure. They are very upset that we were able to detect and defeat their sneak plays.

Read: New York Times Upset With ALIPAC Over Defeat of Proposition!


Farewell to old friends.

The backlash against the GOP did take down a eight incumbents who were great on our issue. ALIPAC would like to thank US Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC), Representative Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO), Representative Tom Feeney (R-FL), Representative Bill Sali (R-ID), Representative Nancy Boyda (D-KS), Representative Robin Hayes (R-NC), Representative Steve Chabot (R-OH), and Representative Thelma Drake (R-VA)

We are sending letters to these fine folks thanking them for standing with the public on immigration and encouraging each of them to consider running again in 2010, when there should be a more favorable elections climate.

Several races are still up in the air and we are praying that Tom McClintock (R-CA), Virgil Goode (R-VA), and Chris Shays (R-CT) win in races that are to close to call and facing recounts at this time.

We would like to welcome new members to Congress who are on our team! We are pleased to announce the following challengers on our side who won their campaigns this year.

We would like to congratulate our endorsed candidates, Tom Rooney (R-FL-16), Jim Risch for US Senate (R-ID), John C. Fleming (R-LA), and Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) for winning their races as challengers campaigning on the issue of immigration enforcement over amnesty.

We lost 8, picked up at least 4, and three races important to us are still up in the air! The damage is not nearly as bad as we were afraid it could be this year.

ALIPAC's Endorsements Status

This year we were able to endorse and support more candidates than every before. We are working now to code the wins and loses. We will leave our endorsements page up for a week so you can check in on race outcomes.

Here is our working copy of the wins and losses....

As you can see so far these are our stats.

Number of candidates Endorsed: 170
Wins: 103
Lost: 59
Unknown: 8

We would like to give very special mention to Mayor Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania. While he did not win, he came very close to winning in a year when the wind was blowing against Republicans and challengers. The Democrat in the race tried to right of Lou on immigration.

We have to give very special mention to all of the ALIPAC volunteers and online leaders who have worked so hard on this effort. Words cannot express how much gratitude needs to be passed around.

We will update everyone soon as things progress.

Please take some time to rest and get this election season behind us. New battles await us in the near future and we need everyone motivated and ready to proceed by gearing up to fight against Amnesty in 2009 and for a historic wave of immigration enforcement candidates lined up for 2010.