At ALIPAC, we have many different ways that you can engage in online and phone-based activism to defend our nation against corrupt politicians, big tech censorship, illegal immigration, and Amnesty.

Here are some simple tips that can help when we all work together.

1. Visit, read, utilize, and share our archived content at as often as you can. You can reach us easily with any computer or mobile device. Each page on our site is designed to provide you with easy-to-use features to share by email, hard copies, text messages, and numerous social media options.

Each page you read, comment you make, and link you share helps our cause!

2. Yes, our website is old, but it is a bit like the legendary Millennium Falcon because it is fast, it still works, and the fact it uses old tech allows it to operate in ways superior to the highly censored and manipulated social media platforms people spend their time on these days.

We need more people to create new accounts or activate their old accounts by writing to with the user name and password you want so you can comment and help our dedicated activists across America post articles, reports, ideas, and videos into the archives which contain a wealth of knowledge on these topics since 2004.

3. If you prefer social media, we have over ten different social media accounts to accommodate you. We need help on each platform from supporters who like, share, and comment on our posts there and work to help our reach grow on each site!

We are actively encouraging our supporters to join and engage on Twitter because we believe the new freedom level there could be a national game changer on many vital issues, but you can choose any of our social media options you prefer to work with at...

4. Use personal conversations, text messages, email, phones, and social media to ask more Americans to join and make sure they receive our influential email alerts. Emails have made our successful efforts to stop many illegal alien benefits and Amnesty bills possible. Big Tech censorship is doing all it can to keep us from reaching more Americans like you, so please help us build up our email contacts at....

We appreciate all of you who are helping us and working together on behalf of America.

William Gheen and the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC Team