Friends of ALIPAC,

This week, I am working with an assistant to call past donors to ALIPAC, who we have not heard from yet in 2008. My goals are to speak with people at length about their feelings and perspectives at this critical juncture in our movement, boost morale, and to get past donors back on board in some capacity this year.

I'm really enjoying the conversations and I am exceptionally impressed with how knowledgeable and passionate many of our supporters are.

I need our missing donors to understand that an important part of our ability to succeed and grow as an organization requires us to keep as many donors as possible contributing each year.

Making these calls personally with an assistant at my side has helped me to spot some common themes among our missing donors which I want to address here.

There are three important misconceptions I am running into that need to be addressed.


I will send each of you more detailed information soon about the new amnesty attempt, which we are expecting to begin in about 90 days. The President Elect, Obama, does not have the power as President to establish Amnesty. Many people mistakenly believe that Ronald Reagan implemented an Amnesty and that is not accurate. Reagan supported an Amnesty, however, it required Congress to pass it. While the Democrats did pick up a few seats in the US Senate, not all Democrats will support an Obama led Amnesty attempt. The fate of Amnesty for illegal aliens in 2009 is undetermined and largely dependent upon how ready you are to fight against it. Our team is monitoring the movements of the opposition and preparing an extensive plan to fight against Amnesty. We stopped four different Amnesty attempts in 2006 and 2007 and we can do it again.


While we certainly understand that everyone must take care of themselves and their loved ones first, you cannot allow the bad economy to diminish your resolve and contributions of time and funds. If you do less when confronted with the negative impacts of government failures, then you are establishing a pattern for more abuse. If you send the message "abuse me and I will capitulate" then more abuse is what you can expect. You must send the message that you will fight back more the worse things get.


During my calls, I am reminding people that both sides of our debate agree that the illegal alien population in America has rapidly declined, between 500,000 and 1.2 million over the last year (Sources: Pew Hispanic Center and Center for Immigration Studies)

I have been surprised to hear over ten of our supporters simply say, "that is because of the bad economy."

Please let me remind everyone that the illegal alien supporting groups and biased media are the ones making the claim that the economy alone is responsible for the decreased illegal alien population.

Our side should honestly point out that the decline is happening in part due to the economy and in part due to increased enforcement.

We need all ALIPAC supporter to remind every other American with conversations, talk radio show calls, and e-mails that immigration enforcement is working!

To go along with the media hype citing the economy as the lone factor, you are in fact falling for the hype and assisting the pro-Amnesty camp.

Please do not neglect the fact that you know better because of your association with ALIPAC. If you need article links showing you our vast collection of articles proving enforcement is putting illegal aliens on the run to other areas in the US and back to their home nations, just let us know. We displayed this collection to you several months ago and it is a little disturbing that many of our supporters have quickly forgotten the information and given away to the latest pro-illegal alien bullet points being promoted in the Main Stream Media.

In fact, we need you to actively approach and engage any media source, talk show host, or reporter, that you see excluding increased immigration enforcement as a factor.

We have collected hundreds of articles which document the mass exodus of illegal aliens out of states like Georgia, Arizona, and Oklahoma where state level enforcement is intense. Even on the county level, like counties in North Carolina and Virginia, the illegals are leaving the scene after local authorities announced their participation in the 287(g) program.

Over thirty states have passed some form of immigration enforcement legislation and new states like South Carolina and Utah are joining the top ranks on immigration enforcement. These were hard earned victories for our movement, which required thousands of dollars and thousands of manpower hours to achieve.

Please do not let our past victories and our large collection of evidence that increased enforcement on the Federal, state, and local level go to waste.


We need everyone to remember that American citizen apathy and laissez-faire attitudes were and remain one of the top contributing factors behind our illegal immigration crisis.

Don't fall for the hype and don't just go along with the messages delivered to you on this issue by the Main Stream Media.

Our job is to define the debate and influence the discussion. We can only do that, if you are responsive to the information and messaging we collect, craft, and distribute.

The pro-amnesty opposition is spending millions of dollars to frame this debate and to control information in order to influence you and all of our fellow citizens.

When we have past supporters who are not on board this year, who are believing and repeating faulty information generated by our opposition, then we have a problem. That means their propaganda efforts are working on some of YOU.

As we prepare to defeat Amnesty again, we need all of you to be attentive and keep your spirits up and get ready to fight harder than you ever have before.

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC