Sonia Sotomayor has been nominated to the US Supreme Court despite her multiple racist comments, racist court decisions, and membership in racist groups like La Raza which support more illegal immigration and Amnesty for illegal aliens in America.

It is a very sad day. All Democrats voted for her and 9 Republicans 68-31 Sens. Lamar Alexander (TN), Kit Bond (MO), Susan Collins (ME), Lindsey Graham (SC), Judd Gregg (NH), Dick Lugar (IN), Mel MartĂ*nez (FL), Olympia Snowe (ME) and George Voinovich (OH).

What do you think Obama and the Globalists plan to do to Americans next?

We just received word that the La Raza supporters are jubilant and arranging immediate celebrations and festivities for their wins. Those of you in areas of dense illegal immigration might have a rowdy night on your hands.

Resistance to Sotomayor's nomination was considered light by Senate staffers due to their ability to convince most Americans that resistance was futile. We expect this same PSYOPS technique to be used in the push for Amnesty next.

Many thanks to all of you that called, e-mailed, faxed, and fought bravely. If more of our fellow Americans had joined us we could have prevailed.

The good news is that Obama's approval levels dropped a great deal during this nomination, yet they are not low enough yet to stop his agendas. We must keep pushing those numbers down to stop his advance towards full Amnesty for illegal aliens.

How do you feel about the Senate's approval of La Raza member Sonia Sotomayor? Comments welcome at this link....