The Victory, The Future, and new threats to talk radio and the Net

by William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)

Thursday, June 28th was an historic day because Americans fought back and won! There are too many people and groups to thank and nobody should start slapping each other on the back because this battle has just begun! As my friend, Ted Hayes says, "We barely dodged a bullet!" Yes, we barely dodged the amnesty bullet Ted.

Our nation was almost pushed over a cliff yesterday. Many Americans will go back to sleep, until the push over the brink is attempted again. Many true patriots will work to pull us back from the edge of the greatest corporate and Presidential scandal and betrayal in American history.

After speeding to DC in the dead of night Monday morning, on an emergency mission to reach Senators Burr and Dole with polling data from North Carolina, I spent four exhaustive days meeting with lawmakers and staff.

The messages I focused on were repeated by thousands of volunteers in their phone calls, e-mails, and faxes, which came from over 11,000 people in the ALIPAC e-mail alert and website network.

One, a super majority of Americans oppose this bill because they want our existing immigration laws enforced. Two, the President's arbitrary enforcement of our laws has nullified the deliberations and votes of congress, the campaigns, and every American's votes. It is not the President's job to decide which laws he will obey or enforce. Presidents don't do that-that is what kings do. Three, the yes vote on cloture will be the defining vote of a Senator's vote on Amnesty.

ALIPAC had launched a tactic, when we killed this bill in the first round, of promising protests outside the offices of each Senator that voted YES on CLOTURE, if the bill passed. This was done to signal the Senators that an attempt to vote yes on cloture and no on the bill would not be tolerated and their support for amnesty, and the many other horrible provisions in this bill, would be exposed.

On Thursday, June 28th, we modified that tactic by sending volunteers into every Senator's office that had voted Yes on the first cloture vote earlier in the week. The idea came from our friend Joe Turner of Save Our State and his efforts at Barbara Boxer's offices in California. The tactic paid off big time and we owe a great deal of thanks to all of the Americans that took the day off of work to enter those offices early Thursday and that waited for the cloture vote results.

After being told by several lawmakers, including NC Senator Richard Burr, that they knew nothing about the SPP or North American Union, ALIPAC activists and allied organizations started placing large orders of Jerome Corsi's new book, The Late Great U.S.A.: The Coming Merger With Mexico and Canada through Amazon to go to targeted Senate offices. We bought so many books in the first few hours of this program that we drained Amazon's supplies and their site started placing back orders!

With the help of ALIPAC's "Dixie" and the publisher of Mr. Corsi's book, I rented a car and driver to carry me to five book stores in DC, to buy every copy I could get my hands on so I could present then directly to lawmakers. I wrote a note inside the cover of most of these books which read, "Stop the Amnesty bill, stop the SPP, and stop the North American Union. They are one and the same!" Our goal with this book distribution project is to assure that no lawmaker can ever look any of us in the eye again and say, "I don't know about that!"

World Net Daily, which has truly served the public by exposing these issues, has now arranged a discount on their site. You can order more books at and we need you to assure that every elected official that represents you, gets multiple copies as soon as possible.

The core ALIPAC activists in our Discussion Groups area at really did the heavy lifting on these projects. ALIPAC is now the largest archive of information in existence about America's illegal immigration crisis. Our site did the job and was there for our activists and Americans seeking information during this battle. In fact, is now the most trafficked website in the entire immigration enforcement movement and we have set new web traffic records for the last four months in a row, including the month of June, 2007!

While we recently upgraded our server capacity, to handle the new high levels of interest in our site, we will be upgrading again this Sunday night. ALIPAC is moving our hosting to a company that hosts E-bay, MTV, AOL, and other large accounts, to meet the needs of Americans. Your support, interest and hard work has made all of this possible.

I had set up a DC command center in my hotel room and worked feverishly to get the final press releases about our office vigils out before rushing to the Senate gallery. On the way out the door, Senator Jeff Sessions came on my computer screen via C-Span and announced that the Sgt. At Arms had just informed him that so many Americans were calling DC that the capitol phone system had crashed!

There was an eerie silence in the Dirksen Bldg and in Senator Dole's office when I rushed in to ask for a new Senate Gallery pass. The phone lines, which had been filled with angry Americans opposing the bill were all silent. I made a joke with staff that Bush had called Cheney in the bunker and asked him to pull the plug on the phone system while screaming, "Make them stop! Make them stop"!

Anyone that has been to the Capitol Building or the gallery lately knows it is a long and tortuous journey through many lines, security checkpoints, hallways, stairs, and obstacles. I saw on the C-Span channel, which was on the screen in Senator Dole's waiting area, that the cloture vote had begun. So I waited like so many of us did, with my stomach in knots praying that enough Senators would abandon this terrible bill.

We had won and we had won big! The cloture motion failed by a vote of 53 Nays- 46 Yeas! The cloture vote needed 60 to clear the hurdle and failed by a landslide of 14 votes! I called ALIPAC's Press Director, Jim Palmer, who immediately got an e-mail alert out proclaiming that the "Empire Amnesty Bill is DEAD at 11:25 pm with the Senate phone system paralyzed with a mass volume of calls opposing the cloture motion on the Scamnisty Bill S 1639"

I spent the rest of the day conducting talk radio interviews, but not one single newspaper reporter contacted me for a reaction. The majority of America's print media really exposed their biases during this battle. They will not forget us and we will certainly not forget them!

Talk Radio and the Internet activists and groups, made this new revolution possible. People in America would not have had the slightest clue what was going on or in this bill without the fusion of talk radio and the Net, forming the "New Media". The corporate controlled media did their best to help this bill pass, while talk show hosts and bloggers led the charge against it. Of course we owe a great deal of thanks to Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, and precious few others on TV that did the job Americans expect from the press, which is to tell the truth.

The Globalists and Amnesty pushers were too committed to their bombing run on this bill, to address the flak coming at them from Talk Radio and the Net, but now that we have beaten them in this round, the danger to us all is very high.

Our elite opposition is thinking and saying some very terrible things about us all today. They now know that the North American Union cannot come into being, with talk radio show hosts and Internet group leaders doing what we have done this week!

Wednesday, I made some comments on NC radio talk shows that quickly spread across the country. You may have heard these concerns reverberated on many talk radio shows including Rush Limbaugh. According to my conversations with staff in DC and several news reports, we are receiving, the supporters of the North American Union plan to do something about talk radio and the Internet groups that stood together on behalf of the American majority against this evil piece of legislation.

Collectively, we have just thrown a monkey wrench into a multi trillion dollar business deal, which will sellout America for good.

We need everyone to brace themselves for two very real possibilities.

One, either by legislation or regulatory changes from King George Bush, the fairness doctrine or "hate radio" laws and regulations may be attempted to silence the voices on talk radio and the Internet that allowed all Americans to speak out to larger audiences. They want to put a muzzle on us and this is one way they could attempt that.

Two, since we just beat them legislatively, the elite powers behind the North American Union may allow or create a national crisis, which would allow George Bush to implement the new emergency powers act he signed about two months ago. These powers would allow him to take control of the Net and any radio station, business, private property, or communications in the interest of "Continuity of Government"

There is a Real and Present Danger to the American Republic, talk radio, and all of us that stood up and said NO to this betrayal.

I am out the door now to MSNBC, and will write more to you about this soon.

Thanks again for all of your hard work and to all of you that contributed to ALIPAC to make our efforts and DC operations possible.

We have reached a crucial turning point and now it is time to put the people responsible for this mess and the non-enforcement of our existing laws on the run!

Watch for William Gheen on MSNBC with Pat Buchanan at 1pm and 3pm EST.