Friends of ALIPAC:

While we were spreading the word with the local and national media in Iowa about Mike Huckabee's hidden amnesty plan, we attempted to interview some of the Presidential candidates.

We were able to sit down for a quick interview with Dr. Ron Paul, who was very tired like we were.

Thompson's campaign tried their best to get us in the same place and time with their candidate, Romney's campaign did not respond at all, and we have already interviewed Duncan Hunter. We did not contact the others.

Please take a few minutes to watch our interview with Dr. Ron Paul about the issue of illegal immigration.

Ron Paul calls Huckabee's touchback amnesty "silly" and asks, "why make them leave at all?"

This footage was filmed by Dan Smeriglio of Voice of the People (Hazleton, PA)

If you enjoy the interview, please vote it 5 stars, favorite, and circulate it.

We will continue trying to setup interviews with Thompson and Romney.

Ron Paul Interview about Illegal Immigration with ALIPAC