Wal-Mart Busted hiring illegals again! Would YOU support a national boycott?


ALIPAC Supporters:

We are considering flexing our national muscle and launching a boycott against Wal-Mart for being caught twice now hiring illegal aliens.

A survey is being sent to the leaders of over 100 allied groups and organizations asking if they think this is a wise move.

We have developed a plan for such a boycott that we feel would be effective with proper support.

Our question for you is... Do you think this is a wise move and would you support such a national boycott designed to take business away from Wal-Mart and drop their stock on the markets.

There are more reasons to consider a targeted boycott against Wal-Mart we will release later. Please read this latest article and take a few minutes to vote in our latest Survey.

For those of you that are new, please consider going back and voting in our past surveys. There is also a section in our discussion groups and beneath the survey where you can leave more detailed comments or concerns.



Police: Wal-Mart site raided AGAIN! 125 illegal aliens arrested!

Would You support a National Boycott of Wal-Mart for hiring illegal aliens?

Discussion Groups

We appreciate you being a part of our national network. There are over 5,000 people on our e-mail alerts list now with new people signing up to join us each day. Thank you for being with us in this struggle.