Friend of ALIPAC,

Thanks in part to your efforts last year, North Carolina became one of the first states to bar illegal aliens from attending community colleges.

A board of non-elected officials intends to meet on Thursday to reopen access to our community colleges to illegal aliens. While the public will be allowed into the room, no public input will be accepted.

Our only chance now is to A. Prevent the Executive Board from opening up our community colleges and/or B. Maximize public knowledge about this pro-illegal alien move with a protest outside of the building!

We must have a minimum of 100+ people to have any chance of prevailing. Anything less and we will be ignored by the board and the media or attacked by the biased media for a low turnout.

We have six groups working together and many of the 9/12 and Tea Party supporters are coming to help!

We need everyone we can get with us for two hours this Thursday, September 17 from 1-3 p.m. Eastern!

Here is our press release and event info. Please spread the word and attend if at all possible. Ask others to do the same!

Release and Protest Invite details