Friends of ALIPAC,

Our 'Battle of the States' campaigns are still rolling full force.

Please remember that we need your help regardless of what state you are in. Our goal is to combine forces to focus on state after state. Patriots in California and Florida really need help from people in other states due to the large number of illegal aliens in those states.

We also want to note that while ALIPAC has supporters in all 50 states now, our largest support bases are in California, Texas, and Florida.

Please take a few minutes this week to take the following volunteer actions.

1. Please contact Rhode Island Governor, Governor Carcieri, to thank and encourage him for his historic stance on immigration enforcement. He needs our calls, letters, faxes, and e-mails to say thank you because he is under attack for doing the right thing.

Please review the two articles at these links...

Then craft your own personal message similar to ALIPAC's

"Governor Carcieri: Thank you for standing with the vast majority of Americans who want immigration enforcement and for Americans and American jobs to be protected from illegal aliens. We applaud your executive order to crack down on illegal alien criminals. You are a true American hero. Please continue to stand strong against the loud mouthed, race card playing, liars who are supporting illegal immigration. If any of those groups that are giving you a hard time right now receive Rhode Island state tax dollars, please pull their grant money.

William Gheen
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)"

Then contact Governor Carcieri by phone to share your message and follow up with an e-mail, fax, or letter copy.

You can contact him at...

Governor Donald L. Carcieri
Contact Webmail Form:

Office of the Governor
State House, Room 115
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: (401) 222-2080
Fax: (401) 222-8096


2. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger needs a wake up call in the form of thousands of angry calls and e-mails from across America. California's budget crisis is severe and many Republican lawmakers in the CA state house have offered bills to crack down on illegal immigration to try and protect state taxpayers. Arnold has come out on the side of illegal aliens!

Please take the following steps to appropriately share your wrath with the Governator.

Please read the following articles

Then review ALIPAC's Message to Governor Schwarzenegger

"Governor Schwarzenegger:

You owe your great success as a both an actor and a politician to the people of the United States, the majority of whom oppose Comprehensive Immigration Reform which they view as amnesty. The majority also favors state level immigration enforcement. It is upsetting to hear you support Amnesty in DC, while rebuking lawmakers in your own party instead of doing what is right.

You should stop participating in this Globalist agenda and instead represent the Americans who have supported you. You should follow the heroic example of Rhode Island Governor Carcieri and take action to crack down on illegal immigration immediately!"

You should call Governor Schwarzenegger's office to deliver your message by phone and the follow up with a copy by mail, fax, or email.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Contact Webmail Form:

State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160

Step 3:

Contact the Governor of your state and encourage them to follow the example of Rhode Island Governor Donald L. Carcieri

Simply visit and type in the name of your Governor. If you do not know the name of your Governor, type in Governor of (add your state)

Call your Governor's office and follow up with an e-mail with a message similar to this one.

"Governor _______: I am writing/calling today to ask you to follow the example of heroic Governor Carcieri of Rhode Island. Governor Carcieri has taken the lead on cracking down on illegal immigration by empowering state police and prison staff to enforce immigration laws. He has also taken action to make sure all state employees are American citizens or legal immigrants. I hope you will take similar actions to protect American lives, American jobs, and American taxpayer resources by following Carcieri's lead or taking things further than he has."


We need everyone to contact Governor Carcieri, Schwarzenegger and your own Governor as soon as possible so our activists can move into action in other states soon.

Let's Roll!