As a youngster, I had the privilege of attending a two-room farm school building. Yes, a few of those did exist up into the 1970's and early 1980's out in Rural Nebraska The old school was located nine miles East of a small Nebraska town called Bayard Nebraska. It's name was "District 96" - a white stucco two-room building. It was at this building where I was introduced to U.S. Government from George Washington all the way up to (at that time) President Jimmy Carter.

No matter what judges tried to overrule - every morning we would walk outside to gather around a flag pole where Old Glory waved proudly in the early morning sunshine. We would be reminded of those who gave their very lives so that we could have our liberties and freedoms and then we would proceed on to cover our hearts with our right hand as we looked up at our Flag in awe to say the Pledge of Allegience. Immediately after the Pledge of Allegiance, we would sing the Star Spangled Banner in English.

After we paid tribute, we would all bow our heads and we would pray to Yahweh, THE God who had blessed America so abundantly - He who is in charge of raising up and tearing down nations. We would ask for safety, peace and continued liberty as we acknowledged Him and that we had nothing without His approval. It was then off to class where we learned U.S. History all the way from the settlers (NOT immigrants) on the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria. We learned of Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci

We learned of the Revolutionary War where we gained our independence from Britain. We learned of the Alamo and the Mexican War. We learned about our Bill of Rights and our Constitution (I keep them hung on my wall even today so that they serve as a constant reminder). We learned about the hearts and minds of our founding fathers, their loves, their goals and their ideals.

We learned about the inhumane treatment of slaves who were given very little yet sweat in the hot blistering sun as they picked cotton bolls rain or shine, sick or healthy. We learned of the Civil War, the first World War and the second World War - the Korean War and the Vietnam War. We learned of the great depression and how rural folk literally got tired of eating rattle snake and rabbit during these times.

We learned of all these things - how the settlers struggled, sacrificed and died to build this nation into something dramatic and truly revolutionary. We learned of the horrors pronounced upon the native and indigenous Americans. We DO owe them a debt, and NOT to those from Mexico and other areas of Central America - this is for certain. I personally believe that we should never go back to the era now that we've built something even more grand and civilized - our Native American people should be afforded reduced rates and entry to every marvel we've built over time.

The Mexican ruling party of the time just before cries of "Remember the Alamo!" never had it in them to make this land progress as it has. It would resemble today's Mexico. Much of Central America hasn't progressed, and the people there have proved they haven't the desire to make life sacrifices in order to progress as the people of our rich American history have been so honorable and willing to provide.

Here I am at age 37 and because of the TRUE history I have learned, I can spot the lies as a black spot of ink on an expensive piece of white fabric. I can smell the stench of treason every time I open my newspaper. I can hear evil and verbal cesspool spewing out of the mouths off those in office whom I see on television day in and day out.

THIS, my friends, is not what the United States of America is supposed to be. Truth, honesty, love for fellow man/woman, sacrifice for God and country and the ideal of having a clean, lawful, orderly and beautiful place where our peoples can feel safe and secure - which they can call HOME in a cruel and endless nightmare of a world.... THIS is what the United States of America is supposed to be - and I have come to a point in my life where I have chosen to dedicate the remainder of my life to working toward bringing about as much transformation BACK to our roots as I can possibly bring.

The American Dream is found in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. It does not lie in NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA and FTAA. It does not lie in the concept of dissolving borders to become a North American Trade Zone. It dos not lie in judges who think they can write laws - their Constitutional authority is to interpret and apply the laws according to Constitutional checks and balances ONLY. It does not lie in other parts of the world such as in Iraq and Iran - true national security is to protect our own borders from WITHIN our own borders and AT our own borders. If we secure our own nation first, those outside of our borders aren't much of a threat.

The security of the United States of America is guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. All throughout history, our enemies were held at bay as every able-bodied man was the owner of firearms. What enemy who is against the United States of America would be so foolish as to consider assaulting our people and our nation knowing that millions of Americas were "crazy" and would "defend their homes and their country"? An armed American population is a horror of horrors to anyone who would seek to overthrow our country and it's peoples.

The Constitution of the United States of America GUARANTEES the right to LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness to every man, woman and child who are born here and who are legal citizens based upon the laws and customs of these United States of America. This includes the unborn. The sin(s) and lack of responsibility of two adult human beings aren't the responsibility of the unborn infant to bear and to pay the sacrifice for such irresponsibility - a civilized nation such as the United States of America left behind the concept of human sacrifice centuries ago and it must not be allowed to re-surface at any cost.

The Bill of Rights we adhere to in the United States of America holds our elderly in highest regards, and life is cherished. These elders are those who have gained in wisdom and they have sacrificed their entire lives to hard work, sweat, blood and tears which have furthered the greatness of our United States of America. They have been our greatest contributors and they will always be held in my mind in the highest esteem. To forget them, to allow their social security funds to be borrowed and never returned and to even thing of the concept of Euthanasia is cowardly, unjust and absolutely sickening. Life ends for an individual on the Creator's watch - it is not the right of any human being or government agency to make decisions on who is to live and who is to die whether it be through abortion, euthanasia or capital punishment.

To clarify my stand on capital punishment - if one intends to be Biblically adherent, it means that if one holds life to the highest regard and doesn't agree with abortion or euthanasia then one shouldn't agree with pronouncing barbarism in capital punishment either. Rather, those who commit the most heinous crimes of murder and torture should be sentenced to lifelong solitary confinement with like criminals in the harshest of conditions. I personally believe that God and God alone is the responsible party to determining when that individual experiences mortal death. Death through capital punishment is actually an easy way out where no suffering for the crime of murder is conferred upon the guilty. Rather, extremely harsh conditions in a solitary lockup with no television, no radio, no computers and no release is truly the harshest punishment any human being could ever endure at the hands of his/her civil populace. Certainly it takes tax money to pay for such punishment, and I believe that if we are to pay to keep such individuals locked up, it should be the most isolationist and harsh punishment we can possibly craft. This, in and of itself, would be a very potent deterrent.

A nation is a nation because it has borders, and borders well defended and administered. A built-up nation is always built by the majority of those who occupy it.

A just and righteous nation will permit legal immigration only to those who are fleeing a nation which threatens life and limb against the person(s). A just and righteous nation will provide safety to men, women and children who seek to escape persecution for their faith. However, a just and righteous nation will NOT permit it's borders to be flooded with people simply because they lost a war centuries ago, or just because they want to work, or just because they want revenge for what history had finalized. The SETTLERS who came here, and their offspring have sacrificed life and limb to bring about this nation to what is has become! Anyone in any other part of the world should also be forced to sacrifice in like terms to build their nations up the way ours has - nothing this nation has come to be or which it represents came free without sacrifice and even loss of life by those who held a higher ideal for their wives, children and their posterity.

Lastly, in order to continue a nation such as that I have laid out above, requires many to make similar sacrifices. It would be "nice" to spend the rest of my life staying home with wife and children, have my own business and make millions. However, at this time in my life, I see a nation in extreme danger. Extreme danger from an invasion of non-contributory illegal immigrant souls who have no intention of sacrifice but rather to glean and "take" from something and someone who had to sacrifice much to obtain. Extreme danger of the wrath of Yahweh God for turning our backs on Him - He who is the sustainer of a free nation which enjoys prosperity and liberty. Extreme danger from utter and total demise predicated on the apathy and injustices of a pathologically mindless corporate-owned governance system.

As such, I have chosen to spend the rest of my life walking up the ladder of government as a STATESMAN, not a "Politician". I am reviewing my options and I am working toward running for office - first at the county and state levels - and to RUN my way up to the highest echelons of the Federal Government. Experience is progressive and cumulative - I will work toward the office of President of the United States of America until I either achieve it OR I am asked to return home to my Creator and my God.

I'm analyzing third-party organizations in order to find one to help buildup to back me. ONE party with efforts of millions behind it will come out ahead over the old and crippled two-party system.

Together, we will act. Together, we will prevail. Together, we will ALWAYS be citizens of the United States of America. If it is ever up to me, our children will reap the benefits of that which we sacrifice of our lives for this higher ideal.
