A crazy French man (or is he really that crazy?) has recently visited with top officials at NASA about a piece of fragmented comet which is predicted to slam into the Atlantic on May 25, 2006. This gentleman swears there is a chunk hidden in the coma (tail) of this comet due to "psychic information"

If you'll visit the following web page and scroll down to the section called "Documents", click on the first one that says "High Risk Zones" Probably best to look at the maps and satellite imagery by clicking on "htm"

Have a look at the entire Eastern portion of the United States.

If this fellow is for real, it could end the immigration problem, amongst other things

Unfortunately, if this IS for real, it is entirely too late for mass evacuations of the Eastern United States.

Also, have a look at the map of Mexico. All the "good parts" of the country (along the seaboard) would apparantly be under water.

I wouldn't joke about any of this if the gentleman were able to provide a sheet with the mathematical calculations from which to derive a range of probability figures and statistics - plus the true path of this "fragmented chunk" if probability and statistics proved to be in the highest degree.

Something like this would either end illegal immigration, or it could increase it. Everyone still alive would have to move from East coast to West coast of the U.S. ... 'er, I mean.. Aztlan
