[Watch] Lou Dobbs on Jarrett, Boehner, and His Trail of Amnesty Flip Flops

Posted on 19 May, 2014
by Rick Wells

Lou Dobbs illustrates why John Boehner may think he can’t trust the White House, there is plenty of reason for Republicans to believe they can’t trust him.

Apparently Valerie Jarrett’s recent revelations that Boehner was telling Republicans one thing and the regime another didn’t sit well and some damage control on behalf of Ms Jarrett was called for. She tweeted a modification of her remarks the next day, saying, “Lost in translation– I said Boehner has made commitment to trying, not that he has made commitment to us or time frame.”

It seems Ms Jarrett forgot that John Boehner’s real plans are supposed to be a secret, at least until it’s too late for his subjects to do anything about it.

Dobbs showcases a series of statements from the speaker, many of them contradictory or conflicted.

He wonders just why is it that the Speaker is so confused.

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