14th Amendment
The ratification of the 13th Amendment was a major victory for the North, and it was hoped that with the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment, the effects of slavery in the United States would quickly diminish. The original plan to readmit states after acceptance of the 13th was supported by President Andrew Johnson, but the Radical Republicans, as they became known, wanted more than just a return to normalcy. They wanted to keep the power they had attained during the war years. The South did not make it easy for Johnson, however, and the so-called Black Codes started to be passed in Southern states. Congressional inquiries into the Black Codes found them to be a new way of controlling ex-slaves, fraught with violence and cruelty.

The ensuing Reconstruction Acts placed the former CSA states under military rule, and prohibited their congressmen's readmittance to Congress until after several steps had been taken, including the approval of the 14th Amendment. The 14th was designed to ensure that all former slaves were granted automatic United States citizenship, and that they would have all the rights and privileges as any other citizen. The amendment passed Congress on June 13, 1866, and was ratified on July 9, 1868 (757 days).

There ya' go folks, straight from the U.S Constitutions own mouth, the history behind what the 14th Amendment was specifically designed to do, which is now being exploited for the benefit of greedy corporations and open border lobbyists and illegal aliens all to benefit from. Many of us who have been here a while know, but I wanted to bring this up for those who have not had as much time with us and maybe a bit new to what the basis is for the OBL (opne borders lobby) belief that children born of illegal aliens somehow fall under this amendment....

As you can see, they do not.