If you haven't heard he raised 5.3 million in one day. and now has a chance at the Republican nomination.

here are my reasons.

1. I recently found a quote from Dr. Paul in which he stated he was against 'collectivism' or basically the idea that people have to conform to being black, hispanic, gay etc... in that quote he said (paraphrase) "we do not give people their rights because they are gay, woman or black... we give people rights and freedoms because they are individuals"

I found it in this video (about 7 minutes in):

2. This quote from his website:
It is fundamentally unfair to give benefits to anyone who has not paid into the system. The Social Security for Americans Only Act (H.R. 190) ends the drain on Social Security caused by illegal aliens seeking the fruits of your labor.
now I am not a republican so i dont have a say, but as an independent he looks better every day.