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  1. #1
    Senior Member zeezil's Avatar
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    Fed up with illegal immigration mess

    Readers' letters: Aug. 8, 2007 ... 7708080367
    Published: Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - 2:00 am

    Letter to the Editor of the Greenville News

    Fed up with illegal immigration mess

    This is the first time I've ever written a letter to editor. I feel I can no longer be silent about all the illegal immigrants in not only our country but our own state.

    I am an American citizen. So are my parents, grandparents (both sides), great-grandparents, etc. I have no problem with people from different countries. What really gets me are the ones who are here illegally. I have friends who are from Honduras, Venezuela, England, South Africa, France, Mexico, Spain and Germany. We (my husband and I) have a very diverse and completely legal group of friends.

    My husband is from Germany, and has been here in the States for 10 years now. My question and his too: Is the government going to refund all the money he had to pay just to get a legal work visa and then his green card? Who's going to refund all the attorney's fees he had to pay just to stay, work and live here? I was and am so thrilled that the immigration bill did not pass! I can't believe that Sen. Lindsey Graham actually believes he is doing the "right thing" by allowing these illegal immigrants to stay here scot-free!

    I am so fed up with all the Spanish speaking voice mail prompts on every business message, Spanish TV channels, special programs to educate, provide medical care and food provisions. What can we do about this situation? We don't even treat our own citizens with as much care and good will as we do these illegal immigrants!

    --Faith H. Hagl, Simpsonville
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  2. #2
    Senior Member crazybird's Avatar
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    Joliet, Il
    I agree....refund all the money to all those who paid the price legally....I'd take it a step further and say if you can't legally do a background for illegal immigrants.....then lay off the citizens. Why do I have to have a steller record for my entire life.....but they can't be tracked with multiple identies and have to be "clear" for how long? We have illegal immigrants working in places that our citizens can't because of a highschool "charge"...not conviction......but they can get it no questions asked. If the rule applies for everyone....or it applies for no-one. Why should a child molester get in just because he speaks Spanish......? Why do I have to have certification....but they don't? If there's a rule or applies equally to everyone.....or no one.

    Why should a citizen who wrote a bad check on their own account suffer more than an illegal who stole a persons identity? For every law they allowed them to break....then release all the people in prison who did the same. If it takes 500 lbs that the border police can "ignore" before they do anything....then release every person in jail and refund all the money for those that are in there for less.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    GOSCOOTIN's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    I think everyone that has ever had to pay to become a citizen should be able to get their money back. I think every American that has paid taxes to support illegals should get their money back.
    This has already turned into Mexico! They get everything handed to them on a silver platter. We have to conform to them. We have to learn their language. I DON'T THINK SO!!!!
    If that killer in NJ had been white, spoke English, do you think he would of been allowed out on bond? HELL NO! But he's not American, and that seems to make all the difference.
    Every day, even after bush said we were going to start to enforce our laws, I see it get worse. There should be no warning for illegals. If they are found to be illegal they shouldn't be fired in 90 days, ICE should be notified and they should be on the first bus out of here! I don't think bush is going to make any changes. I think big businesses are already set up for this. They aren't going to have to follow the laws. They already have their greedy little butts in good with our government. They won't be touched. The little guys will be busted, but not the big business people. That's the way it's been for as long as I can remember. It's who you know. Who you pay off.
    Americans are not going to take much more of this. We aren't going to be part of Mexico, whether the SPP goes thru or not. We will be American again!
    God help us all!
    I'd rather die living then live dying!

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