Received this in the mail, states it is one of a few sent to my congressional district, and because of my high level of political involvement (meaning my nagging emails, letters and calls!!LOL), I was chosen. So although they touched upon illegal immigration, it was not enough, and I decided to include a letter I drafter, for them to read in the side. Hope they like it!

To whom it may concern, RNC:

Although illegal immigration was touched upon in this census, I felt it needed a bit more attention by the Republicans.

During George Bush's administration, he pushed for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. I, along with millions of Americans, called DC to voice our opinions that this was not what we wanted, and thank goodness we were heard.

Now it seems that Obama's administration would like to do the same, and now a good deal of Republicans are not behind it. This has led me to believe that the RNC, or some of it's members are behind it when they are in power, and not when they are out of power in DC.

This is shameless politics at the expense of Americans.

I want to see our borders secured, workplace laws dutifully enforced, employers who break those laws fined, and those found here illegally, sent home. As well, any and all state agencies found giving federal aid to anyone in this nation illegally, to be fined and state employees who were responsible, held accountable under the RICO law.

Much more could be done, and never was when the Republicans were in power, in fact, they turned a blind eye to it, and would seem was to aid big business in keeping cheap labor, at, again, the expense of American citizens and legal immigrants.

End the slave labor which is illegal immigration, end NAFTA, bring home jobs and when illegal aliens have found no reason to be here, I feel positive wages for all will go up, taxes down (as we all know illegal immigrants cost us more than what anyone will admit) and our economy will rebound nicely. It's common sense, stop talking about it, stop pandering to special interests and get it done, do something for Americans and America for once, stop being politicians, start being Americans.