ALIPAC Activists,

The meeting where you can support the actions of the LAPD in MacArthur Park on May 1 is in 3.5 hours at the time of this post.

The meeting is at Noon today May 8. There is also a rally outside the meeting to support these officers.

Everyone within 180 miles of LA still has time to get there. Please go if you can.

Here are the full details on the Rally and Meeting. ... ic&t=62632

If you absolutely cannot make the Rally and Meeting, then please support from home by calling every number on this list to express your support of the MacArthur Park officers. ... ic&t=62562

We also need to do our best to make sure every member of the LA City Council, Sheriff's dept, Police Dept, and surrounding lawmakers and media have seen this video BEFORE the end of the day!

Please use calls and e-mails and posts to get this video out.
New Video from MacArthur Park Exonerates LAPD while Chief Bratton & Mayor Villaraigosa crucify officers! ... ic&t=62591

Our video is really rolling and is reaching into the top of the viewing charts at Youtube.

Please take the time to sign up for an account and to ...

1. Make a comment supportive of the LAPD actions beneath the video.

2. Vote 5 Stars on this video

3. Favorite this video

4. Link into this video from any online community or website you can access.

5. Email this video to every contact you have asking them to pass it along and do the same.

We must increase and maintain our momentum today.

Let's roll!

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC)

Direct Video Link