Just since April 1, 2007, we have seen 429 new people register with us here at ALIPAC!


Edited to add: That has changed dramatically! The number is now 515!!!

To all of the new people who have finally had enough of seeing our country abused by the illegal alien invasion, and have come to our site seeking knowledge and tools to fight back,


You are very important in the effort to turn this invasion around!
It is our country despite what others may say.
It is our country to protect, defend and support
even when greedy, self serving politicans will not do what they have taken an oath to do.

Always remember that there are a lot of good guys out there in Congress and Senate fighting very hard for our country too! They want to hear from us! They need our support to force through legislation that others backed by powerful lobbying groups are resisting.

Remember. We have a power that they need. The power of our vote and you can bet they hear us when we speak!

So, if you are new here, pull up a chair, get your reading glasses on and go for it! We have a fantastic collection of news articles where you can inform yourself of what is really going on in this country! Read the ALIPAC mission statement on the home page so you will understand why we are all here and what we are all trying to accomplish and finally, when you feel ready, join in on the discussion! We want to hear from you and you will find us a great group of proud patriotic Americans who are just trying to do what is right for our country!

Before you know it, you will feel empowered to make calls, send emails, send faxes and write letters! It is a wonderful feeling to be informed and participating! There is nothing more satisfying then then knowing you spent your time defending your home.

If not me and if not you, then who?

So again,

WELCOME! We are glad you are here!