1.) Change law so that employers are required to verify any employee is in the country legally. This includes cross referencing id's against a national Social Security database. Impose STIFF fines for offenders including the automatic seziure of company assets.

2.) Change law so that chilren of illegals are not American citizens. Make law retroactive 10 years.

3.) Any illegal found in this country will be deported and their assets will be sized and forfieted. Any individual or business supporting illegals will be HEAVILY fined. (banks, auto dealers, landlords, etc.)

4.) Empower local law enforcement to carry out these new laws. Clarify that US laws do not apply to the personal defense of illegals.

5.) Remove all spanish signs and documentation from public/government services and parks.

I know this is somewhat radical thinking... but does anyone else have any ideas? This places the burden of changing the system on the American people and not government. Fixing the system becomes a profit center vs. a fiscal drain on taxpayers. It improves homeland security and creates a clearer picture of our true economic condition. Just one idea.