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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    reno, nev

    6,000 National Guard on the border is a joke.

    6,000 National Guard on the border is a joke. That amounts to 2,000 an 8 hr shift alone the border from California to Texas. . Bush is not serious about border security. He is just “kicking you know what around” as he usually do.

    If we have 12 million Illegals doing work Americans won’t do, why do we need a guest workers program? Are Americans working at all?

    Anchor babies born to Illegals who are citizens of Mexico. should have duel citizenship and there should not be a problem deporting them with their parents. If Illegals are departed it is unrealistic that they would leave their children here.

    Mexico. has the resources to take care of it’s people. Illegals immigration should protest in Mexico. against the Mexican govt and change things for the better for them there for their rights. They have no rights to protest here. The only rights they have here is what we give them and they should be grateful for the work they can do here. We are wrong to take Mexico’s citizens away from Mexico which is only suppressing Mexico further. We are not responsible for Mexico’s poor but for America’s poor. Just because you are hard working, poor and hungry is not no excuse for breaking our immigration laws.

  2. #2
    Stuff's Avatar
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    Two-Faced Smirkface

    From a National Review opinion piece published this morning:

    by James R. Edwards Jr.

    The president confirmed why his job-approval rating on immigration, 29 percent, is lower than his overall approval rating, 31 percent. Mr. Bush’s primetime televised speech Monday night amounted to more empty words. The speech betrayed that comprehensive immigration reform is really code for amnesty and virtually open borders. Like the Senate, he’s learned nothing from our amnesty experience. Call it what he might, Mr. Bush continued to dangle amnesty before the world. Little wonder why the borders aren’t secured! If the president were serious about controlling immigration, he could reinstate enforcement measures he stopped: Social Security no-match letters to employers, border-patrol interior stings, NSEERS alien registration, for example. He could stop opposing the CLEAR Act behind closed doors and empower willing state and local law enforcement nationwide. He could stop banks from accepting matricula consular ID cards. He could prosecute several hundred more than the three cases against employers of illegal aliens brought in 2004. Mr. Bush could send the Army, Marines, and Air Force to the border, instead of the National Guard for a support capacity. He could build a real border barrier from the Gulf to the Pacific. He could stop ratting out the Minutemen to the Mexican government. Actions speak louder than words. We got plenty more words.

    —James R. Edwards Jr. is an adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute.

  3. #3
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    Two-Faced Smirkface (Part Two)

    From a National Review opinion piece published this morning:

    by J. D. Hayworth

    The president last night was unconvincing. The enforcement proposals sounded good, but I don’t think his heart was in it. The president said the U.S. wouldn’t militarize the border when it’s already been militarized—by the drug smugglers, coyotes, and Mexican troops. He said temporary workers must return to their home country when their work visas expire, but doesn’t tell us what will happen when they don’t. Under the president’s plan, the more flagrantly you’ve broken the law, the bigger your reward. And if anyone needs a lecture on civility it is Vicente Fox and company, not our fellow Americans. There was one area of agreement. The president said his plan allowing illegal aliens a pathway to citizenship wasn’t amnesty. He’s right—it’s better than amnesty. Illegal aliens come to work, not to become Americans. The president would let them work and get citizenship as a bonus. They’d also be pardoned for crimes, like using a phony Social Security card, which would land any American in serious trouble. I was especially disappointed that the president again pushed the canard that some want to round up all illegal aliens. There is not a single elected official in Washington proposing that. All in all, a missed opportunity.

    — J. D. Hayworth is a congressman from Arizona. He is author of Whatever It Takes.

  4. #4
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    Two-Faced Smirkface (Part Three)

    From a National Review opinion piece published this morning:

    by Heather Mac Donald

    Dangling strings of shiny trinkets, President Bush tried last night to make contact with the restive natives. Six thousand National Guard troops on the border! Infrared cameras! Biometric work cards! Those baubles will dazzle ‘em, the Bush speechwriters must have concluded, and they’ll never notice that we’ve changed nothing in the border-breaking status quo. Creating a biometric card is meaningless if you don’t penalize employers who ignore it. No fortifications at the border can withstand the avalanche of people seeking to violate our laws so long as they know that once they get across the border, they’re home free in a 3,000-square-mile sanctuary zone. But Bush said nothing about worksite enforcement. If this administration wanted to end illegal immigration, it would exchange those 6,000 National Guard troops for 6000 immigration agents with the mandate to enforce the laws that Congress passed 20 years ago. Nowhere was the White House’s contempt for the American people more manifest than in Bush’s double-talk on amnesty, however. First he demonizes those who have argued for immigration-law enforcement and grotesquely distorts their position: “Some argue that the solution is to deport every illegal alien and that anything short of that is amnesty,” Bush alleged. I know of no one who has called for deporting every illegal alien. Instead, thoughtful analysts like Mark Krikorian have laid out the attrition strategy: Engage in just a little bit of enforcement to create a huge deterrent effect. After DHS deported 1,500 illegal Pakistanis following 9/11, 15,000 more left on their own. And opponents of amnesty do not argue that anything short of mass deportations equals amnesty. They make a much simpler argument: Amnesty equals amnesty. Bush’s advisers apparently think that the public can be fooled into believing that if there are a few procedural requirements to gaining legal status, the end result—amnesty—simply disappears. Those procedural requirements are themselves a joke. As Mickey Kaus has explained, Bush’s “illegals-must-wait-at-the-end-of-the-line” line is a con: by remaining in the country and jumping into the citizenship line, rather than the visa line, illegals have catapulted way ahead of law-abiding intending immigrants waiting in their home countries for a visa. But even if the procedural requirements for amnesty were grueling, the final result is the same: people who are in violation of the law are granted lawful status. The tens of millions of aliens contemplating an illegal trip across the border will grasp that truth immediately; the Bush team thinks that the American public will not be so quick to see through the bait-and-switch bromides. The next month will tell if that gamble is right.

    — Heather Mac Donald is a contributing editor at City Journal.

  5. #5
    Senior Member patbrunz's Avatar
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    Notice the con-artist language used was, "up to 6,000." That could mean anywhere between 1 and 6,000, more likely the former!
    All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing. -Edmund Burke

  6. #6
    Stuff's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    By Jove, I Think You've Got It!

    You're learning fast . . . Presidential seal + smirking Alfred E. Newman face = slippery, lying tongue.

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