I need help with this project. Please make a couple dozen phone calls to the Gov. - John Kasich. Thanks.

Abolish O.C.H.L.A. Project!

Q.) What Ohio Commission is using your tax dollars to support illegal aliens?

A.) The Ohio Commission on Hispanic and Latino Affairs (OCHLA).

Help defund and sunset this rogue state ethnocentric commission that wastes tax $$$, advocates for illegal aliens, and works against Ohio's citizens!

In Ohio, the waste of tax dollars on pork barrel politics is not limited to state projects. Wasteful state commissions are also created for political reasons--one of the best examples is the Ohio Commission on Hispanic and Latino Affairs (OCHLA).

How does OCHLA spend your tax dollars?

They advocate for illegal aliens and oppose common sense law enforcement that would help protect your family.

Example #1: Encouraging public officials to defy federal immigration law.

Ask Ohio Governor John Kasich to defund OCHLA now!

Call: 614-466-3555

Sample script: Hello, I am calling today to request that you ask Governor Kacich and your legislative party leaders to support the defunding an the abolishment of the Ohio Commission on Hispanic and Latino Affairs. I do not believe that this this Commission should be using my scarce tax dollars to advocate for illegal aliens in Ohio and encourage communities in Ohio to violate federal immigration laws. Thank you.