What can we do?

Over the last several years I have watched our country slide down hill. I have to say I am not very optimistic about America but at the same time there seems to be an awaking and a glimmer of hope for our salvation.

I have formulated the following ideas, which you may or may not agree with, it really doesn’t matter because unless we as a people are ready to make these changes nothing in this country will change for the better.

First we as a people we need to understand and accept the true problem in America, the one thing that affects everything and everyone and prevents our country from running smoothly. It promotes prejudice and separates people it blocks our pathway to progress and keeps us in turmoil. This should be on the top item on our priority list. Its in ever city, county state and runs our federal government. Have you guessed yet what I am talking about? It’s total corruption and it’s a plague that has swept across America. Money and power over Good, over our children, over our sick, over our needy, it touches all of us on a Dailey bases.

The question is what do we as a people do about it? I don’t claim to have all the answers but I want to provide some ideas of how we can approach this problem and I would like to start by using our government as an example. This is what I think we should do to put the proper checks and balances in place.

Make it a Law
1. Develop a list of senators and congressman in every state that needs to be removed from office.
2. Develop a list of senators and congressman in every state that need to be voted into office. Forget party these should be proven Americans.
3. Restructure all politicians’ perks. No more, I’ve been a senator for two years so now I qualify for full retirement perks for the rest of my life. Retirement will be based on a pro rated 30-year program like the rest of us.
4. Outlaw lobbing
5. No more appointments of office. This causes misplaced loyalties.
6. No more, when a politician gets caught breaking the law he simply retires and all is forgiven. Rather a swift trial and swift punishment for the crime will be issued.
7. Reduced term limits for senators and congressman. They would be rated on performance yearly buy the public and if they do not meet the requirements removed from office.
8. All senators and congressman will be held accountable for their actions. No pork barrel spending.
9. Outlaw the deceiving tactic of attaching another bill to one, which will pass in order to hide it.
10. No life time Judges or lifetime appointments.
11. Make easy access to judges and place them on trial if misusing the law. The public will judge them.
12. Make it a law that you cannot be an attorney if you are a senator or congressman.
13. Make it a law that anyone can run for office.
14. Make it a law that we the people receive the same insurance.
15. Disband the two party systems and create the American System.
16. Hold accountable anyone who refuses or defies the US Constitution
17. Make it a law. That no politician can ignore the people.
18. Make it a law that those who bled our social security and Medicaid, Medicare programs replace the money.
19. Make it a law that all senators and congressman read the bills.
20. Make it a law that bailouts will not happen.
21. Make it a law that when asked where the money went the public is given an answer and that people responsible are held accountable.
22. Make it a law that no administration may re-interpret the US constitution or its amendments.

This program can be applied to our States, counties and city governments. The list can be far more detailed if people all join in together. If you are like me your tired of the rhetoric, the news bites, the irresponsibility the posturing the bold lie’s the deceit and deliberate misleading of We The People.