Border-control advocates not hate-mongers
Nov 8, 2007
By: DAN MCCASKILL, JR. - commentary

I am not a member of the Minutemen nor do I attempt to speak for them, but I am an advocate for controlling our borders. I also do not think the Minutemen are a group of bigots and hate-mongers as implied by Mr. Bill Flores of El Grupo in his Community Forum, "Minutemen's tactics inflame hate," Nov. 1. It seems to be the trend of most minority groups to label anyone, especially whites, who disagree with their agendas as racists and hate-mongers.

I think the Minutemen are comprised of a group of American citizens who were frustrated by their government's unwillingness to enforce the Immigration laws and decided to do something about it. Their efforts have brought much media attention to the out-of-control Mexican border, especially in Arizona. They also seem to have gotten the attention of some in our government, who, albeit somewhat reluctantly, have begun to enforce our Immigration laws. Most of us think this is a good thing.

The Minutemen seem to represent a cross-section of our society. They broadly promote what more than 70 percent, in poll after poll, of Americans want: enforce the immigration laws; secure the borders; stop illegal immigration, drugs and terrorists from entering the country. Apparently, Mr. Flores and others like him label you as a racist or hate-monger if you agree with this concept.

Mr. Flores states that by "wrapping themselves in the American flag, they are repeating the worst parts of our American history." Is there something wrong with American patriotism? Personally, I prefer to see the American flag being waved in our streets and sidewalks than the Mexican flag being waved by illegal Mexicans.

Mr. Flores finds no fault with the day laborers, most of whom are illegal aliens here in violation of the law, congregating on street corner sites all over California, disrupting the peace and tranquility of neighborhoods, but faults American citizens against such activities and labels them as hate-mongers and racists.

Apparently, Mr. Flores disagrees with the facts that most of the illegal aliens entering the United States are from Third World countries (Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, etc.) and crossing in vast numbers; that some are bringing into the country long-ago eradicated diseases such as tuberculosis (newer drug resistant variations not before seen); and some are criminals, rapists, terrorists or become so after entry. He says that if one attempts to discuss these facts and use these terms, "it is the same disgusting, hate-filled propaganda used by the San Diego Minutemen."

Mr. Flores says, "While there will always be extremists, the mainstream should recognize them for what they are and for what they are really saying."

I totally agree. I recognize exactly what Mr. Flores and El Grupo are saying. I disagree. It seems that the majority of Americans also understand what Mr. Flores, El Grupo and similar groups in support of illegal immigration, are saying. They disagree, too.

Fallbrook resident Dan McCaskill, Jr., retired as a special agent/Anti-Smuggling after 24 years with U.S. Border Patrol.