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Action Alert: Your Pressure Needed Today to Allow E-Verify Amendment on Senate Floor

Updated Friday, February 6, 2009, 6:00 AM

The Senate will resume work on the Stimulus bill at 10 a.m. today. There remains an enormous fight in trying to allow a vote on an amendment that would require local governments and businesses to use E-Verify if they get Stimulus money.

It is difficult to believe that Senate leaders will insist that illegal aliens have the same chance at new Stimulus jobs as unemployed Americans. But that may very well happen. Your action is needed first thing this morning to persuade Senators that they will humiliate themselves if this goes unaddressed.

Sen. Sessions (R-Ala.) and Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) are making a bi-partisan push for unemployed Americans to make sure Stimulus Bill jobs go to them and not to illegal aliens. Even if the Senate ends up voting against unemployed American workers and in favor of sharing Stimulus jobs with illegal foreign workers, the American people deserve a vote to see which Senators chose which option. Call your Senator now and demand a vote (202-224-3121).

There are several actions you can take to help get E-Verify on the Stimulus bill. Go to your Action Buffet NOW and fax your Senators urging them protect American workers. Please resume calling your Senators and President Obama at 8 a.m. EST Friday.
