Call your Senators and tell them 3 things:

1.) NO BAILOUT. No taxpayer money, not one dime should go to Wall Streeters and the plethora of wanna-bees being inserted into the bailout relief bill. Demand a full investigation of Wall Street and all members of Congress and the Bush-Clinton Bureaucrats that were involved in this mess.

2.) Re-Authorize E-VERIFY. Tell your senator to tell Sen. Mendez shut up and sit down. Do not allow Menendez to hold E-Verify hostage to his desire to increase foreigner immigration to the U.S. by another half-million.

3.) Do not allow Harry Reid to insert a ban on oil shale energy development into the Continuing Resolution (CR) Appropriations Bill. Demand that it be removed (it is Sec. 1602 of the CR – see for more info: )

Call your Congressman and tell them #1 above.