Truism, can you name anything that you think the President has done right? Anything he has done that has had a positive outcome? I can't.

He has left our borders wide open and I'd say it's a fair estimate that 12 million illegal aliens have entered this country as a result of that one fact alone since he took office. There were supposedly 8 million illegal aliens here when when he took office and he lifted not one finger to deport them. In fact, he praised them like they were heros and started talking amnesty for them.

He had to have had his Patriot Act all written up and waiting in the wings for a document over a thousand pages which every single senator says they didn't even READ before they passed it--temporarily--within a few days of 9-11. They didn't write that document that fast no matter what anyone thinks.

He signed some of the stupidest trade agreements ever and sent away thousands of American jobs in the process.

He called the true patriots of this nation "vigilantes." And I figure someone else told him to say that because I doubt he knew the meaning of the word when he said it.

He dragged us into two wars that he doesn't seem to know how to get us out of and got a few thousand American soldiers killed and untold others wounded in the process.

He made the most powerful drug lord president to the psuedo-democracy named Afghanistan and caused further unrest in the middle east with his "spreading democracy" that put Shi'ites in high places because the people he thought would win were too busy pouting to go vote. Now he keeps rattling his sword at Iran and Syria! I sure hope he eats his wheaties if he decides to pick anymore fights because I have a feeling he's going to be doing the fighting on his own.

Sorry, I don't see what he did that was so good. I admit that I voted for Bush in 2004 because I despise John Kerry more than any other politician within my lifetime but that doesn't mean I EVER trusted him and I'm here to tell you that I never will. In fact, thanks to Bush, I can't name one politician in office today that I will EVER trust again.

So if you know something good about this guy, now's the time to say it.