Okay so I read today's Broward County paper since I'm sick of hearing about Cuba and Mexico in the Miami Herald......Here's the funniest question I have ever herd!

"Q. Is it possible for my employer to adopt me and then sponsor me for permanent residence? I am an undocumented immigrant. I came to this country across the Mexican border. I am almost 30 years old. My boss would like to help me become a perminent resident. He says he is willing to adopt me if that's what it takes to get me permenent residence. Will that work?" - R. Gonzales, Trenton, N.J.

Why doesn't this Mexican apply for her green card like the rest of these people do after they turn 21? But I forgot they're hoping for a hand out like the rest of these hispanics now in America. Heaven for bid they have to wait like the rest of us for our immigration papers............