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A Disgusting Email From Jim Gilchrist
Posted by: The Watchdog in Viewer Mail

Little Jimbo

You may have heard me talk about the vicious attack emails that Jim Gilchrist sends out to other patriots, but I’ve never posted them on my website. Well here’s an email I received today. This is typical Jim Gilchrist. The man is a real whack job and will stoop to the lowest possible level to defame others. No lie is too big for little Jimbo.

This fraud has been defaming the board members of the Minuteman Project ever since the alleged embezzlement of $600,000 from the MMP bank account.

I guess little Jimbo saw the video I made about him and his endorsement of pro-amnesty presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. He’s trying to intimidate me into not talking about him on Immigration Watchdog or making any more videos exposing him.

I encourage you all to send Jim Gilchrist an email telling him how you feel. Here is his email address.


Still drinking the kool aid, eh?

I have been hearing on the blogs, over the telephone, and through emails that you are a pedophile, Brook. Will that accusation also reach the news media soon? Have you ever been arrested, or even investigated for molesting little boys and girls? But, that really doesn’t matter. Obviously you are guilty because someone merely says you are a pedophile…and a thief…and a woman beater, right? No one would just make that up out of hateful wrath, would they? So, I guess it is all true and I should warn America how depraved you are as soon as possible. Yep, spread the news far and wide.

Brook is a low-life heap of breathing garbage that molests children, steals, embezzles, and beats women. A typical delusional social maladroit just waiting to be arrested and put in the slammer for 30 years.

But, are you really guilty of such horrible crimes? If the blogs and emails say so, then aren’t you guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt? How many little three-year-old boys and girls do you have chained up in your attic?

Keep up your stupidity in driving a chasm between all the minutemen groups and you will certainly have Hillary, Obama, McCain or Giuliani as your next president.

I had a great chat with Ron Paul in Des Moines last Thursday. I could have told him about your criminal activities, but, because there is no convincing proof, I chose not to bring that up. Ron Paul is a dignified patriot. Stop embarrassing him, you traitor.

Now you know how it feels to be innocently hung.

You are not only dumb; you are an idiot who surely gets his life’s philosophy from the National Enquirer.


Jim Gilchrist, BAJ, BSBA, MBA, CPA - Founder and President
Jim Gilchrist’s MINUTEMAN PROJECT, INC. (DBA The Minuteman Project)

- A multi-ethnic, immigration law enforcement advocacy group.
- Operating within the law to support enforcement of the law.
- The power of change through the power of peace.